The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone - hope you all have a great Sunday. Debby, are you and DH celebrating at the end of the day?
Morning Chris!

Yesterday for the very first time, DH said he was ready to have the course closed. Poor man has worked like a dog and is wore out. Don't know about a celebration but I'm sure we'll both be heaving a big sigh of relief.

I've met some of the nicest people this summer. Like the man that came in yesterday...he owns a local restaurant and when I told him we haven't had a chance to try it out, he offered to bring us a pot of green chili & enchiladas. Or Mr. K that shows up every week...he's an older man but has the attitude of a kid, always happy to get out and gives me a hug every time. Then there are best buddies, B & can't see very well and the other has trouble walking but they love to tell me stories about growing up in the area and when they worked as horse jockeys. The 16-yr old that has worked with me all summer, she's become like a daughter, what an awesome young woman. And I can't forget to mention the 60+ yr old man that's worked with DH this summer who knows everyone within a 50 mile radius and when I'm having trouble with something, he likes to tell me to "get western with it Deb".

So many nice people, I think I'm going to miss seeing them over the winter. Hope to see all of them next year.

I'm going to take a few days off I think, or maybe just go in for a few hours off/on next week to clean. DH has some winterization work to do with equipment and greens so he'll be working for a while but at his own pace.

Loved your moon photo!
Morning Chris!

Yesterday for the very first time, DH said he was ready to have the course closed. Poor man has worked like a dog and is wore out. Don't know about a celebration but I'm sure we'll both be heaving a big sigh of relief.

I've met some of the nicest people this summer. Like the man that came in yesterday...he owns a local restaurant and when I told him we haven't had a chance to try it out, he offered to bring us a pot of green chili & enchiladas. Or Mr. K that shows up every week...he's an older man but has the attitude of a kid, always happy to get out and gives me a hug every time. Then there are best buddies, B & can't see very well and the other has trouble walking but they love to tell me stories about growing up in the area and when they worked as horse jockeys. The 16-yr old that has worked with me all summer, she's become like a daughter, what an awesome young woman. And I can't forget to mention the 60+ yr old man that's worked with DH this summer who knows everyone within a 50 mile radius and when I'm having trouble with something, he likes to tell me to "get western with it Deb".

So many nice people, I think I'm going to miss seeing them over the winter. Hope to see all of them next year.

Thats great to hear, Debby. It seems like it has been a rewarding, if not exhausting time. Nice people are hard to come by, so finding 'em is a bonus.

Hi, DMC!

I'm going to take a few days off I think, or maybe just go in for a few hours off/on next week to clean. DH has some winterization work to do with equipment and greens so he'll be working for a while but at his own pace.

Loved your moon photo!

Thanks Debby
maybe you'll have time for baking now that you won't meet yourself coming and going!
Thanks Debby
maybe you'll have time for baking now that you won't meet yourself coming and going!

Baking is my challenge to myself this winter. I really miss doing it (especially the breads) but now have to learn how to adjust for high altitude and my gluten intolerance. Easy to find recipes for one or the other, but not both situations. Guess DH will be my guinea pig, lol. Hope he's up to the task!
Morning Chris!

Yesterday for the very first time, DH said he was ready to have the course closed. Poor man has worked like a dog and is wore out. Don't know about a celebration but I'm sure we'll both be heaving a big sigh of relief.

I've met some of the nicest people this summer. Like the man that came in yesterday...he owns a local restaurant and when I told him we haven't had a chance to try it out, he offered to bring us a pot of green chili & enchiladas. Or Mr. K that shows up every week...he's an older man but has the attitude of a kid, always happy to get out and gives me a hug every time. Then there are best buddies, B & can't see very well and the other has trouble walking but they love to tell me stories about growing up in the area and when they worked as horse jockeys. The 16-yr old that has worked with me all summer, she's become like a daughter, what an awesome young woman. And I can't forget to mention the 60+ yr old man that's worked with DH this summer who knows everyone within a 50 mile radius and when I'm having trouble with something, he likes to tell me to "get western with it Deb".

So many nice people, I think I'm going to miss seeing them over the winter. Hope to see all of them next year.

That is all so sweet! Sounds like the place you were meant to be.
Thanks everyone. Just texted my daughter to see how long this one lasted, and she said a full 7 days! Ugh.

Oh well, getting to see DD1 and the family was worth catching the germs they brought down from Denver!

Friday, how are you feeling today? Going to make it to the festival? Nice family picture, worth a few cold germs!

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