The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sharing a picture of my cute little Butterbean. He is in behavioral rehab this morning. He is a little too into the big dark brahma girls. They are the only girls he is interested in, and are too large for him, so he rides their backs like a cowboy. They are not impressed or flattered by his attention.

His half brother, who is very big, only seems interested in the smaller naked necks and legbars.
Typical guys. 😆 I wonder if it's because the bigger cockrel was raised by a bantam hen, and the smaller cockrel was raised by a big langshan hen?
Good morning folks :frow

Everyone is colder than us, but we're down south... 30 feels like 27 outside and 65 inside with the electric meter spinning like crazy. Just started a fire so we'll warm up soon.

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning IM, have a great day

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day

:frow Good morning Mark, have a great day and stay warm
Good morning Bob, you also!
I know!

Remember this when we hit 110F in the summer though....
I can't wait.
Sorry for being crabby everyone, this weather just wears on me.
I didn't notice but it's okay, don't trip chocolate chip 🍪
I think it’s in the air Debby. I’ve been in b/tch mode for the last week and the storm troopers have picked up on it. Every time I get up they’re ready to help me kick some butt.
I hope your weather improves soon!
Hahahahaha, it very well could be in the air... never know where that air has traveled from 😬
Well, cookies are good too, especially with a cup of hot coffee on a cold afternoon.
:drool yummmm!
Good morning Mad 😊 have a great day
You too Sue!
Hi! I could not wear flip flops yesterday :lau
Sharing a picture of my cute little Butterbean. He is in behavioral rehab this morning. He is a little too into the big dark brahma girls. They are the only girls he is interested in, and are too large for him, so he rides their backs like a cowboy. They are not impressed or flattered by his attention.
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His half brother, who is very big, only seems interested in the smaller naked necks and legbars.
Typical guys. 😆 I wonder if it's because the bigger cockrel was raised by a bantam hen, and the smaller cockrel was raised by a big langshan hen?
That is funny! do they actually have preferences!? I had a lav orpington rooster that only mated with the RIRs but I thought that might be because I've heard they pay more attention to red (???) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He is mighty handsome!!!! 🤩

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