The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Doin good, hope you are too!
Thanks!!! Iā€™m alright. I had a really bad migraine last night so Iā€™m still a little bit ā€œhungoverā€ from that unfortunately. Getting better though the longer Iā€™m awake. But plus Iā€™m still a bit down and dealing with the urges and wishing I hadnā€™t gotten rid of the stuff even though I know itā€™s for the best and Iā€™m glad I did. :hmm šŸ˜­ so thereā€™s that. Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s not just therapy that caused this. I think itā€™s the meds because I ran out of one and they had to order it but I donā€™t have it yet. Itā€™s been days at least. But again, the longer Iā€™m awake, the better I get. But still. Iā€™m going to the clubhouse to distract myself.
But stopping the med cold turkey was not good. Although he told me today itā€™s a pretty long lasting one so it usually has to be like 4-5 days before you start noticing. And mine is only 2-3 maybe. Although I actually think itā€™s farther like maybe all week. But I definitely had it last weekend.
Good morning all. It finally looks like Winter here.
It was time for a change of scenery. This is enough though :D
Iā€™m going to go sand in the bathroom now. I hate that job.:tongue
Good Morning Debby and a Happy Saturday to you. I'm going back to bed now that I know all is well here with the incubator and my wife's O2 machine. Wishing all a great new weekend this first one of 2024.

Glad your power came back on LTay.

Gā€™morning Debby. Will work for room and board. Iā€™m not a picky eater.

Great, that works!

Good morning, Debby.

Good morning, LT. Enjoy your nap.

Morning Janie have a good one! :frow

Hi :frow

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