The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Heavy thunderstorms coming our way tonight and tomorrow and the coops are still to muddy to safely walk in. At least the two that had leaky roofs have been repaired and that will not be keeping me awake worrying about the kids getting wet is they chose the wrong spot on the roosting bars.

Wishing everyone and early good morning while l go back and try for a few more Z'sssss.
Heavy thunderstorms coming our way tonight and tomorrow and the coops are still to muddy to safely walk in. At least the two that had leaky roofs have been repaired and that will not be keeping me awake worrying about the kids getting wet is they chose the wrong spot on the roosting bars.

Wishing everyone and early good morning while l go back and try for a few more Z'sssss.
Good morning & good nap, LT.
And now . . . I'm curious what poking the bear means?
I was irritating my mother. We very rarely agree on politics and she makes everything political. I threw some facts her way, she countered with a weak defense and I busted her chops pretty good, and then kept picking at her wounds through most of the day. Yes, I rather enjoyed it.

We are just debating with each other, usually there’s no hard feelings afterward.

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