The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Debby, how did hubby come out at his appointment yesterday!

I know the "way behind" feeling @sunflour - it's hard sometimes but we do what we can! Katiebug is an absolute keeper!

Morning, all!

Our snow has stopped and the sun is trying to shine. I think we got in the neighborhood of 12" or a bit more. The drive to town yesterday wasn't too bad, I took the back road instead of going on the highway (which was bumper to bumper semi's).

Blooie, DH got a good report from the doc and has a bit less wrapping on his Frankenfoot.

J, Luvy and Valentine are so sweet their feathering. You've really done a good job with them!

Sunflour, yay, glad to see you here! I'll keep the snow up here so you all don't have to close down the city, lol.

Dawn, glad to hear you had a happy ending to the missing bird mystery.

I need to tackle that mountain of laundry today, wish me luck! (And no cats in the machines!)
Good morning folks

I am a couple of days behind, so just catching up.

N F C Sorry to hear about your burglary but thank you for the chuckle with regards you kicking in the door
So pleased to hear that Frankenfoot is progressing well.

Yikes J! I am pleased that the washed kitty was OK. I always check the washing machine and dishwasher before I turn them on:

Your little finches are so, so cute!

Blooie what a wonderful and special dinner with Katie.

Dawn I am pleased all your pigeons are home and safe.

Not much news of note, still running around trying to get everything done and stockpiled before hubby leaves and takes the car with him!

Our fishies potential new Dad has just rung and he is coming over today to collect them. While I am sad that they are leaving us after 5 years, with hubby going, 2 cats and 5 spoiled chickens will be enough to keep me amused. Plus, I do not fancy trying to fix broken or blocked pond pumps, so one less chore is probably a good thing.

With all the packing to get hubby’s stuff sorted before he leaves, the cats know something is going on and are a little out of sorts, getting under feet, stressing etc
The break between hubby going and their flight is hopefully going to be an opportunity for them to settle.

Syba is going to miss his Dad terribly and if previous occasions are anything to go by, sit in the hallway at 4AM howling and giving me accusing ‘What have you done with him?’ looks. We did contemplate sending Syba with his Dad but splitting Syba and Chimee is probably not a good thing. Plus, being indoor cats, the deck which is going to be their 'outdoor area' needs to be closed in and the chicken coop built before everyone's flight is booked.
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Teila, I think cats (and dogs too) know when something's up. I'm sure they'll miss him, and he'll miss them too. Sounds like your DH is going to be busy right off the bat with a couple of building projects.

Like your cat washer picture, lol.
Teila, I think cats (and dogs too) know when something's up. I'm sure they'll miss him, and he'll miss them too. Sounds like your DH is going to be busy right off the bat with a couple of building projects.

Like your cat washer picture, lol.

Hubby is going to build the coop similar to the one we currently have and which he also built.

For the deck, however, we will get someone in to do that. While hubby is very handy, we are thinking a professional job will probably look a bit better and be one less thing for him to do, especially with starting a new job also.

The plan is to screen in the deck which means that it will still be kind of open air and a good place for the kitty’s to sit and watch the world go by. I must remind hubby to get before and after pics that I can share
Good morning everyone

Teila, your cats should enjoy the screened in porch! Our house has a porch with windows on 3 sides, the cats love sitting out there to check out the scenery. Looking forward to seeing some pics of your new place once you get them.
Good Morning,

Debby, glad your trip was safe - and Frankenfoot got a shower

Telia, it makes me tired to just read all you are having to get done for the move.
Hey @sunflour do you get to enjoy a day of R&R today? Do you have your new chicks yet?

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