The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sometimes Blooie is sorry she called something right.....<sigh> both be safe and here's hoping he gets good news!!

Those baby finches have grown so fast! Wow!!

We had to go to Cody yesterday so planned to grab a bite to eat there. Yeah, didn't work out that way. We got finished with our errands way earlierer than Ken thought, and since he had to come home, change into his uniform, and then drive back to Cody for a meeting, we just opted to just go straight home. There would be a dinner at the meeting for the guys anyway. So I thought, "Katie did such a good job with the chickens while we were gone maybe we should have a fancy, just-us dinner and she can help cook." She jumped on it! I forgot to pick up a lemon, so I borrowed one from Jenny, who said she's send it over with Katie. Well, Katie got here and was carrying a box wrapped in a paper heart chain. On top of the box was a note:

Thank you for inviting me to dinner with you. Inside this box I have a candle, a lemon, and dessert for two.
Love you,

We had a wonderful time. On the menu were grilled perch, roasted Brussels Sprouts, and a lovely wedge salad with thinly sliced strawberries, walnuts, Blue Cheese crumbles and poppy seed dressing,and of course, the beautiful dessert for two she'd brought over.....a pack of Hostess Cuppycakes. We fancified those by putting them on dessert plates with a tiny shave of ice cream and another strawberry on top. She learned how to prep spouts....she'd never had them before and she just loved them... and while I finished up the fish she set the table!! We had dishes done in no time, and then we just visited. She's such an amazing young lady with a delightful sense of humor and every day with her is a blessing!

The box of love....

Prepping sprouts...

....and then tossing them in the seasoned melted butter just before she popped them in the oven.

Lovely table.

Have I ever said how much I love that little girl??
@Blooie what an amazing young lady Katie is growing up to be. Your dinner sounds like the perfect way to spend time together.
Thanks J, will do. I'll be the one driving extra slow irritating all the speedier drivers out there, lol.
Our little finches fledged today. I found them both on their perch after we'd been out to lunch. They've been having a good chew on the millet as well so they may not take that long to wean. They are just over 3 weeks old now so they are doing very well. I'll keep feeding them as long as I need to though. Valentine is a bit smaller than Luvy (who loves his food so always has a bulging crop after feed time which makes him a bit front heavy, making preening, stretching, getting back up on the perch etc a bit of a challenge)!

I'm a bit perplexed but in a good way. When I discovered my pigeon was missing and the door was unhinged I found a pile of feathers in the corner of the coop. Well, I'm not sure where the feathers originated because my mama pidge came home to roost and is no worse for the wear. Doesn't seem to be missing a single feather!!! I'm confused but we are back to the wee little family of 3!
Good Morning Folks,

I've been trying to keep up but not enough time to really read everything going on around here.

@Blooie - Katie is certainly a special gift - she looks so professional at the stove. And so thoughtful and creative to leave you the note and deserts.

@JaeG those are such a cute little couple

@N F C , hope all goes well today with good news at the DH Doc visit - around here everything shuts down even with a threat of snowflakes
Good morning! Well, we're in the deep of it's been snowing since Wednesday night. Blooie warned me we would get the worst of winter the end of February-March...@Blooie the weather lady called it right! I wouldn't mind too much but we have to drive to town today for DH's doctor appointment. That's going to be a long 12 miles! J, your little finches are growing up! That story about the cat in the washing machine was crazy, lol. Glad he's ok, but it did make me look up and find these:
The snow totally missed us here but it got very windy and cold.

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