The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@Teila just stolen car,will get it back eventually. Please do take it easy because it takes a lot out of you moving - when its all over you feel exhausted - then you have to unpack lol
thinking of you
Howdy folks

Thanks for the best wishes regarding the pleasing news from the Cardio. Also, your kind comments regarding the fish. I have found a lovely gentleman who popped around yesterday and is coming back on the weekend to pick them up. He is very excited about his new charges and seemed very pleased with how big they were.

whoop whoop yep, we have one afternoon/evening of rain and while still in the mid 80’s F during the day, the evenings have been a bit cooler. Congrats on getting your DL. Is that a new car for you? Impound? I think I missed something.

Pleased you are back safe and sound Blooie … love the note!

Loving all the pics of the bubs J!

N F C I hope hubby is improving in leaps and bounds .. well, not so much leaping or bounding

OHLD Wheezer is so cute! Nice pet portfolio you have there
Gorgeous goats!

Dawn I love border collies! I had a border collie x cavalier and she was the sweetest girl. When we move, we will become step-parents to a border collie, Jessie.

Still madly running around trying to get all the big stuff done before hubby leaves. I think I might just take it easy for a couple of days after he has gone before getting stuck into it again

Teila, that's good news on finding a new home for your fish! Sounds like the gentleman will appreciate them. Good idea on taking it easy once your DH is gone...slow and steady, right?

Thanks for the kind words about my husband. He got his stitches out yesterday as well as a bit of scolding from the doc. No one told DH he shouldn't be walking on his foot yet so he has been (more limping then walking, but still doing more than he should). They gave him a knee-high boot to wear and he has to go back tomorrow to see if some swelling has gone down.
@Teila just stolen car,will get it back eventually. Please do take it easy because it takes a lot out of you moving - when its all over you feel exhausted - then you have to unpack lol
thinking of you

Good morning Whoop!
A lot of our kids are down in Riverton for sports events, and they are getting inundated with heavy snow and wind - so much so that the schools sent out warnings to parents to leave a day ahead to attend if at all possible to avoid being on the roads during the worst of it. We've got nothing here but supposed to start later in the day. I'm so over winter! It started so early this year and has just dragged on and on....

Debby, so glad hubby's doing better, but sounds like he's a victim of Yeah-I-Got-This-Syndrome. That's where you start to feel almost human despite the fact that the injury or surgery site hasn't caught up to that mentality yet. <sigh> I suffer from it too...."Gee, I feel so much better today than I did yesterday", so I overdo. And the stupid part is that I know I'm doing it when I'm doing it and I do it anyway. So no point having you remind him that he still needs to take it easy for a bit - it'll fall on deaf ears.

@Teila that move is coming up faster than I think you even anticipated, so just cut it into small pieces! We moved all the time, sometimes on very short notice. The worst was when we were living in Tennessee and got orders for San Diego, leaving November 15th. The moving company came, packed up all of our stuff, and the next day loaded the van and left - with our winter coats on the van. In Navy Housing after the residents' household goods are out, we always had to clean the house for Navy inspection, which was usually scheduled for 3 days after the move out. They even used a dental mirror and ran it under the stove to check the underside of the stove, so it was a thorough, detailed cleaning for the next occupants. That also meant 3 days of sleeping on the floor or getting a room in a local motel while we cleaned.....that was standard procedure for every Navy Housing unit no matter where it was. So the housing inspector was at the house going through it when a Navy car pulled up in front, and a guy came running up to the house with a manila envelope in his hand. Our orders had been changed - to Great Lakes, Illinois. Um, but this was November. It was already snowing in Great Lakes. <sigh>

I confess to being a little behind so I'm a little confused on the stolen car, @whoop whoop Can you fill me in on what happened or direct me to the post where you talked about it? I hate getting this far behind.

Love the all the pets folks have. I just have the chickens, Ken and the kids and grands, and that's enough for me. We lost our amazing Molly-dog a while back and have no plans to get another. We will be traveling just way too much in the next 2 years and while Molly was used to it, a new one wouldn't be eased into it like she was.

Okay, now to pour another cup of tea and continue perusing. So much catching up to do.....
Discovered this morning that I committed involuntary birdslaughter.
I failed to secure the lower portion of my gate. RIP Midge the Pidge. She was a good bird (when she wasn't broody).

Oh no, sorry you lost her. Don't beat yourself up too badly, accidents happen to everyone.
A lot of our kids are down in Riverton for sports events, and they are getting inundated with heavy snow and wind - so much so that the schools sent out warnings to parents to leave a day ahead to attend if at all possible to avoid being on the roads during the worst of it. We've got nothing here but supposed to start later in the day. I'm so over winter! It started so early this year and has just dragged on and on....

Debby, so glad hubby's doing better, but sounds like he's a victim of Yeah-I-Got-This-Syndrome. That's where you start to feel almost human despite the fact that the injury or surgery site hasn't caught up to that mentality yet. <sigh> I suffer from it too...."Gee, I feel so much better today than I did yesterday", so I overdo. And the stupid part is that I know I'm doing it when I'm doing it and I do it anyway. So no point having you remind him that he still needs to take it easy for a bit - it'll fall on deaf ears.

@Teila that move is coming up faster than I think you even anticipated, so just cut it into small pieces! We moved all the time, sometimes on very short notice. The worst was when we were living in Tennessee and got orders for San Diego, leaving November 15th. The moving company came, packed up all of our stuff, and the next day loaded the van and left - with our winter coats on the van. In Navy Housing after the residents' household goods are out, we always had to clean the house for Navy inspection, which was usually scheduled for 3 days after the move out. They even used a dental mirror and ran it under the stove to check the underside of the stove, so it was a thorough, detailed cleaning for the next occupants. That also meant 3 days of sleeping on the floor or getting a room in a local motel while we cleaned.....that was standard procedure for every Navy Housing unit no matter where it was. So the housing inspector was at the house going through it when a Navy car pulled up in front, and a guy came running up to the house with a manila envelope in his hand. Our orders had been changed - to Great Lakes, Illinois. Um, but this was November. It was already snowing in Great Lakes. <sigh>

I confess to being a little behind so I'm a little confused on the stolen car, @whoop whoop Can you fill me in on what happened or direct me to the post where you talked about it? I hate getting this far behind.

Love the all the pets folks have. I just have the chickens, Ken and the kids and grands, and that's enough for me. We lost our amazing Molly-dog a while back and have no plans to get another. We will be traveling just way too much in the next 2 years and while Molly was used to it, a new one wouldn't be eased into it like she was.

Okay, now to pour another cup of tea and continue perusing. So much catching up to do.....

Blooie, so nice to have you back home!

Hope you're ready for the started here last night, snowing like crazy and wind howling. It's still lightly coming down but not supposed to quit until later tomorrow. DH's employee called off working today because I-80 is closed.

There, now I've given you one more post to catch up on, lol. Sorry!
Oh I look so forward to grandkids! At the moment my son is completely absorbed in his career. Someday!!!!!

G-kids would be fun but I don't think my 2 boys will ever get with the program. Guess they're like dinosaurs, the last of their kind and on the path to extinction.

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