The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Every critter? Dogs are 2 Australian shepherds, a boxer, a rat Chihuahua mix, and a boston French bulldog mix, all females.

One cat, one parrot, 6 parakeets, about 85 chickens, 7 ducks, 14 turkeys, 3 donkeys, 12 goats, 2 hamsters, 2 gerbils, about 30 goldfish, and another 20 tropical fish. I think that's it.

You meet my aspirations!!! I'd love to have goats. They just make me smile at the mere mention of one!
Every critter? Dogs are 2 Australian shepherds, a boxer, a rat Chihuahua mix, and a boston French bulldog mix, all females.

One cat, one parrot, 6 parakeets, about 85 chickens, 7 ducks, 14 turkeys, 3 donkeys, 12 goats, 2 hamsters, 2 gerbils, about 30 goldfish, and another 20 tropical fish. I think that's it.

Holy animal farm OHLD!

No wonder you never want to leave home...I wouldn't either with all them around.
I'd often heard  that one of the best cat toys is the little plastic strip that you pull off when you open a gallon jug of milk, or water, or whatever . . . but my cats only play with them for a couple of minutes before they  try to eat them.:he

These are kind of springy and they go tearing off after them... quite comical! I'm missing 2 right now, they are either under furniture or my son has tossed them in the garbage.
Good morning!

DMC, glad Opie liked the new toy. At Christmas time I put a bowl of mixed nuts in the shell on the coffee table, since the cats enjoy them so much they're still on the table. The hazelnuts roll the best! They also love finding golf tees to bat around.

Teila, glad your cardio appointment went well. That has to be a relief. Sorry you can't take the fish, I'm sure someone will be glad to give them a good home.

Whoop, hope you got your driver's license and ID without too much trouble.

Another very windy day here. Snow expected Wed, Thurs & Friday, which is fine because we need it.

Mine keep digging qtips out of the garbage cans.
Morning to you DMC!

What's your weather doing? Ours seemed funny last night...first there was a big boom of thunder, it started raining like crazy and that turned into snow. Nothing much on the ground but we're supposed to get more today and tomorrow.

Hope you have a good one!

Hey Debby! The day was nice today but it's our last nice one...we may get hit with a snowstorm late tomorrow into Friday....yuck!! Our snow is almost gone here.
Howdy folks

Thanks for the best wishes regarding the pleasing news from the Cardio. Also, your kind comments regarding the fish. I have found a lovely gentleman who popped around yesterday and is coming back on the weekend to pick them up. He is very excited about his new charges and seemed very pleased with how big they were.

whoop whoop yep, we have one afternoon/evening of rain and while still in the mid 80’s F during the day, the evenings have been a bit cooler. Congrats on getting your DL. Is that a new car for you? Impound? I think I missed something.

Pleased you are back safe and sound Blooie … love the note!

Loving all the pics of the bubs J!

N F C I hope hubby is improving in leaps and bounds .. well, not so much leaping or bounding

OHLD Wheezer is so cute! Nice pet portfolio you have there
Gorgeous goats!

Dawn I love border collies! I had a border collie x cavalier and she was the sweetest girl. When we move, we will become step-parents to a border collie, Jessie.

Still madly running around trying to get all the big stuff done before hubby leaves. I think I might just take it easy for a couple of days after he has gone before getting stuck into it again

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