The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

OMG, a new baby!
Congratulations J!

That little finch is so cute, I hope it gets some nest mates soon. That's interesting about the eggs turning colors...sure would make it easier if chicken eggs did the same.

Maybe you said and I just you know the genders of Luvy and Valentine? Will they get much bigger or are they pretty much the size they'll be?

Wow, Pie and Rosie, how quickly they're growing.

Great pictures J, thank you for sharing them!
The first time I saw Ft. Collins, it was a worn-looking little western town. Now it's big, full of shops and restaurants, bars and specialty places, full of well-to-do folks and sort of the happening place between here and Denver. I'll have fun for one day but can't imagine spending more time than that there.

You'll have to check it out the next time you go to CO Friday!

Yeah, it's kind of an iffy time of year for travel so the only thing that would hold me back is the weather. I'll keep an eye on the weather B!

This will probably be the only chance I have to do a little get away until fall. DH is going to have hernia surgery the week after I go and then I'll probably go back to work at the course around the first part of April.
Dear N F C hasn't DH had enough already! I hope all goes well and please be careful with your weather and all.

Now there are two babies!!! I went to check on the first one this evening to make sure they were feeding it, and they are, and it has a sibling already. You can see the first ones face looking up at me even though their eyes stay shut for at least a week. They are so funny looking - they really are still a little foetus.

Debby, we won't know what sex Luvy or Valentine are unless we see one doing little jumps on the perch and singing a funny little song, which means its a boy. They mature at 3 months old but unless they think its breeding season we may not see any of that behaviour for awhile. As long as we never give them a nest they shouldn't try to have babies, especially seeing as they are siblings. If they really wanted to be parents I could give them someone else's eggs to sit on and raise.
Good morning!

J, at first blurry-eyed glance I thought I was looking at 2 shrimps, lol. Maybe I've been watching too much of the cooking channels or maybe I haven't had enough coffee. Congrats on the 2nd baby!

@whoop whoop how are you doing? Are you still all wrapped up from the carjacking or are you better? As for DH's upcoming hernia surgery...that was his doctor's recommendation, I'd just as soon have him all better and back to normal (he's kind of wearing me out)
Good morning Debby and all. Love the new avatar Debby... I don't know how new it is but I just noticed

Hi DMC, this avatar is fairly new (but I already have my eye on the next one). Do you have a busy Friday planned?
It has been up almost a long time, 2 days at least, gcheesh! I was wondering if you were going for a record 5 days or what?


Hey, can I help it if I get bored easily?

One year on my birthday I think I set a record for the most avatar changes in a single day...think I had something like 5 or 6 different ones. Change is good!

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