The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hey, can I help it if I get bored easily?

Change is good!

Change is my enemy, but then again I am a stick in the mud.

Whatever you're doing sour, stick with it. It seems to be working for you!
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Good Friday morning!! @JaeG congrats on the new babies!

@sourland don't you dare change a thing...Not. One. Thing.

Debby, keep us posted on how hubby does when he goes in a couple of weeks - it probably goes without saying but I'm saying it anyway, on accounta it's my keyboard and I can!

Ken's appointment for his shoulder is next week, finally. Hoping he doesn't need surgery on it.....can't imagine handling Kendra if he's laid up. The weird thing is that it's been so long between the injury and the evaluation that it's starting to pain him less, even though it doesn't want to work much better. I hope that's not a sign that it's healing incorrectly.

Off to get another cuppa.....
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Morning @Blooie I hope Ken's appointment goes well. That will be tough if he has to have surgery, tough for all of you.

Enjoy your morning coffee!

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