The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I loved the video too, Teila. Wish I could be there to help you pack and get to your new place when the time comes. Just think - a chance to get to know you better, a chance to be helpful, a chance to see Australia, a chance to snoop through your stuff.....

All's quiet here, but that'll change when Ken gets home from his weekend trip to Sheridan. Mr. I-Hate-Silkies-What-The-Heck-Did-You-Get-Them-For-They're-Totally-Useless decided that since we are down to 2 of them, and both are boys, he'd use his iPad and order 15 more!! I don't want more chicks, not right now! We'll be gone a lot of the summer traveling, and the only one who will be here to watch the chickens is Kenny. He ain't real fond of them. But Ken has become attached to the Silkies - he says it's because Katie loves them so much and even Kendra likes to get a cuddle from one when she can, so "they make the girls happy.' Yeah, like I didn't see him carrying King Tut with him as he watered the chickens for me. Uh huh!

To get my revenge today and tomorrow, I'm going to strap on my haz-mat suit and armed with a dumpster, rake, and that new snow shovel, I'm going to clean out his doggone office. Ah, I can see it now - "Diane, I had a phone number on the back of an envelope. Where'd you put that?" And "Diane, did you move all my aprons?" Oh, and we can't forget, "I can't find that little package of screws I took out of the shelf last year. I put it RIGHT HERE (points to center of desk) and now it's gone."

On second thought, maybe I'd best find some other form of revenge.....I'll work on it!
Hey if helping Teila move means we get a chance to snoop through her stuff, I'll go with you Blooie!

I totally enjoyed hearing about Ken ordering 15 more Silkies "for the girls"
I wouldn't bother cleaning out his office, I'd order ducks as pay back! Because who doesn't love ducklings? And their eggs are delicious! And they waddle!
Not to be a downer, but sometimes it feels like my family just can't catch a break, you know? My daughter just posted this on FB. She called me about it yesterday, but she was crying so hard it was hard to understand her. Finally got to the bottom of it and wished I hadn't. <sigh> Then I see this today:

"So after 7 wonderful years in this old house, the worst has finally happened. The landlords have decided to sell it. I don't blame them! They are busy with their jobs, family, and travelling, and this place needs a lot of work. While it was very sweet of them to offer it to me, I could never get the down payment or afford the mortgage payments for the price they want. So it looks like Evan and I will have to move.
They did offer us a back up the event we can't find anything, we can rent their trailer here in town. I know Evan is terrified of having to leave his school and friends, so it's nice to know that the option is there for us. Rentals don't grow on trees around here, and the ones that are here are so far out of my price range it's almost laughable! Where do these people think renters are going to work in this area for a $1000 month rent?! Really? Hope that includes ALL the utilities and cable in the price or forget it. Ouch!
One last possible bit of bad news for me and Evan...if it is necessary for Evan and I to get a place, I may have to cancel our cruise and put the money towards that. I consider it our last resort. The reality is that moving is never cheap, nor is renting nowadays. So cross your fingers for us. We need all the help we can get...and boxes. We are SO going to need boxes.
Sometimes it gets so hard to be strong, I just want to scream and cry, but Evan needs me to be a rock. I can do anything for him. We're a team...a good one...and we'll make it through this the way we always have, together."

Ken and I will do all we can, of course, as will Kenny and Jenny, but oh, you guys have no idea how much she loved that little house! Always neat as a pin, flowers everywhere all summer, never a day late with rent in 7 years - even when Austin died (her oldest son) she paid the rent before we left for South Dakota to plan and attend his services - and her landlords really hated to do this to her. They love Evan and Tam too. Shoot, they told her to skip the rent for that most difficult month, and Tam told them "Thank you, but no", she paid her bills. That was almost 4 years ago and they've never cashed her check. I feel so bad for her. Doggone it!! Just one break, Lord - just one!

Edited to add: No need to comment, just venting at the frustration. Don't we always hope our kids' lives would be easier than ours?

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Good morning folks

Thanks everyone! Yeah, being car-less is not going to be fun but I will manage .. people do it every day and never have the opportunity to own a car so I will suck it up and get on with it. Luckily the grocery store is close enough that I can walk there and cab back with the groceries. We can shop on line but that does not include meat etc so I figure just plan the meals for the week and hope I do not forget anything or run out of anything. Our public transport system is OK. Forrest Beach, on the other hand, not so much .. they have a bus that goes into Ingham once a fortnight lol.

So, after I have finished the grocery shopping today, the car gets packed and hubby leaves at 5AM tomorrow morning. I am dreading the farewell .. gees, I cry at the airport just watching complete strangers see off loved ones! Hopeless!

N F C Great news that hubby is cleared to drive again!

Blooie Thank You! For the chuckle too! Hurry, at this rate we will not have much stuff left; talk about having a clean out! I was still chuckling when I read about Ken and the Silkies and the haz-mat suit for his office. With hubby heading off, been there, done that, got the haz-mat suit. Now that it is nearly cleared out, I am still getting over just how big that room actually is!

And, then I get to your last post and the chuckling comes to an abrupt halt. I am so sorry to hear that Tam, Evan and the rest of the family are having to deal with this.

As you know, we rent and have been renting this place for coming up to 7 years. The sigh of relief when the Lease Renewal Offer was received in the post each year was definitely audible. Luckily the decision to move was ours and we have lots of notice; when they advise they are not renewing the lease, not so much.

Anyways, this property did sell while we were in residence, about 4 years ago and there was the risk that it would be purchased by an owner occupier and we would have to move. However, we were lucky that it was actually purchased as an investment property and the new owner was happy to leave good tenants in there.

Any chance that that could be the case for Tam? The person who buys the property may be happy to leave it as rental with a good tenant?

I am not familiar with your economic climate but our rent is half of my wage. It is becoming more and more difficult for youngsters to purchase their own home and the only way my son has been able to save a deposit is living with us. I have told him that once he buys his own unit, do not sell it! I do not care who she is and/or what plans you have, please keep a hold of the investment.

In general news, we do appear to be dealing with a case of GCD!

Remember the morning we thought we were going to lose Dusty because she could not breathe or was in shock from a roost fall etc? She attempted to crow that morning.

Then, as mentioned, she woke us up at 5AM the other morning, also attempting to crow.

The other day I saw her call the flock over for some treats and Crystal was the first to arrive. Dusty promptly grabbed a beak full of Crystal’s neck feathers and mounted her! Crystal fluffed up afterwards and shook herself off. It looked like an actual rooster to hen mating.

This morning, Dusty woke us at 05:30AM attempting to crow.

My diagnosis is Gender Confused Dusty
That is truly weird. I hope it wasn't alien chickens from outer space that infected her. You never know where or when or how, they are going to strike. Well Teila you are smart, strong and brave I know you can handle it.
Blooie, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's situation. That's so hard losing a home she obviously loves. I'm fully prepared for our kids to be living with us for a long time as property prices are crazy, as is the cost of renting.

Teila, I'm glad to hear you are pretty sorted, but I know how hard it will be to say goodbye (for now) to your DH. As to your Dusty problem, I have one bantam hen that will mount my Wyandotte Bantams like a rooster - it's a show of dominance but she doesn't crow thankfully. The crowing could be due to hormonal changes? I've read about something that causes hens to start crowing but I can't remember what it was.

Debby, glad to hear your DH is cleared for driving - at least he'll feel like he's got a bit of freedom back.

This morning there were 3 little java finch babies. I just laugh at those tiny 'chicken wings'. They are cute when they get some feathers (thankfully). These guys look especially weird due to the fact they are all pink. The normal wild coloured babies have dark beaks and eye sockets which makes them look like a normal baby bird.

Jaeg hope they all hatch. I think they are adorable even all pink.

I think 3 is all that will hatch but the other eggs can stay there as hot water bottles for the babies. 3 is probably enough for first time parents too. Another pair of Javas are trying to decide which box they will use and the society finches keep building and re-building nests but no one is sitting yet, or even seriously laying eggs. Hopefully we'll get a few more babies before the summer weather disappears.
Not to be a downer, but sometimes it feels like my family just can't catch a break, you know? My daughter just posted this on FB. She called me about it yesterday, but she was crying so hard it was hard to understand her. Finally got to the bottom of it and wished I hadn't. <sigh> Then I see this today:

"So after 7 wonderful years in this old house, the worst has finally happened. The landlords have decided to sell it. I don't blame them! They are busy with their jobs, family, and travelling, and this place needs a lot of work. While it was very sweet of them to offer it to me, I could never get the down payment or afford the mortgage payments for the price they want. So it looks like Evan and I will have to move.
They did offer us a back up the event we can't find anything, we can rent their trailer here in town. I know Evan is terrified of having to leave his school and friends, so it's nice to know that the option is there for us. Rentals don't grow on trees around here, and the ones that are here are so far out of my price range it's almost laughable! Where do these people think renters are going to work in this area for a $1000 month rent?! Really? Hope that includes ALL the utilities and cable in the price or forget it. Ouch!
One last possible bit of bad news for me and Evan...if it is necessary for Evan and I to get a place, I may have to cancel our cruise and put the money towards that. I consider it our last resort. The reality is that moving is never cheap, nor is renting nowadays. So cross your fingers for us. We need all the help we can get...and boxes. We are SO going to need boxes.
Sometimes it gets so hard to be strong, I just want to scream and cry, but Evan needs me to be a rock. I can do anything for him. We're a team...a good one...and we'll make it through this the way we always have, together."

Ken and I will do all we can, of course, as will Kenny and Jenny, but oh, you guys have no idea how much she loved that little house! Always neat as a pin, flowers everywhere all summer, never a day late with rent in 7 years - even when Austin died (her oldest son) she paid the rent before we left for South Dakota to plan and attend his services - and her landlords really hated to do this to her. They love Evan and Tam too. Shoot, they told her to skip the rent for that most difficult month, and Tam told them "Thank you, but no", she paid her bills. That was almost 4 years ago and they've never cashed her check. I feel so bad for her. Doggone it!! Just one break, Lord - just one!

Edited to add: No need to comment, just venting at the frustration. Don't we always hope our kids' lives would be easier than ours?

So sorry about her problem, it is so hard for young folks these days
@Blooie I'm so sorry to hear about your DD &GS living situation. Moving in the best of circumstances is stressful, to have to do it under these is very hard. I'll keep your daughter and Evan in my prayers and hope this all sorts out. If there is any small way I can help, please let me know, just shoot me a PM. Give them a hug for me
and take one for yourself, because you're right that we always want our kids to have an easier time of it.

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