The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sorry I unloaded on you here. I wanted so badly to comment on Tam's post, but her landlord and lady are friends of mine as well as hers, and he was on the town council with me the whole 4 years I served. I didn't want it to look like the evil mom defending her kid against the tyrannical landlord on FB!
They have been so good to Tam and they adore Evan (broke their own no-pet rule and told Evan to tell his mom that he could have a kitty!) and they didn't want this anymore than she did. They actually held on to the house longer than they'd planned, but it all just got to be too much for them and they made the tough decision. They aren't selling it as a rental so she'll have to leave. It's a duplex, and the other part is just a garage that the previous owner had converted into a very small unit, and the people are turning back into one. So no chance of the new owners having her stay on.

It'll work out. We'll pray about it, but won't sit around on our hineys, either. She already has a friend who has moved of the area but has a house in Byron, a community nearby, that she told Tam she has some ideas about and she'll call her on Monday. She saw Tam's post and so I'm hoping that she's willing to rent it to her, even though it means they leave Cowley. Evan would still be in the same school because it's in School District One, but there's the issue of getting him back and forth on the weekends when Tam works overnights and Evan stays with Kenny and Jenny. She's made of pretty stern stuff - been doing this on her own, with no financial help from us or from any public assistance program, and cream always rises to the top.

Thanks for the concern, and sorry I dumped on you. I just had to say something but I'm over it now. Now we roll up our sleeves and get busy!
Morning everyone

@Blooie you're right, cream always rises. And Tam has a good family support system so that helps. No apologies for unloading are needed, we all need to do that at times. Maybe this will be one of those times where what looks like the worst, turns out to be the best.

@Teila been thinking about you this morning
Morning everyone

@Blooie you're right, cream always rises. And Tam has a good family support system so that helps. No apologies for unloading are needed, we all need to do that at times. Maybe this will be one of those times where what looks like the worst, turns out to be the best.

@Teila been thinking about you this morning

x2 @Blooie if you can't have a vent/download with your friends who can you?

Thanks N F C ... talking about vents!
Just got off the phone from hubby who set off early this morning .. the check engine light is flashing! Luckily in a township and I have talked him to a mechanic .. now we wait and find out what the issue is. Not a good start but que sera sera.

There is a train station close by so worse case scenario, he comes home for a few more days and I get to have another sook when he leaves again
x2 @Blooie if you can't have a vent/download with your friends who can you?

Thanks N F C ... talking about vents!
Just got off the phone from hubby who set off early this morning .. the check engine light is flashing! Luckily in a township and I have talked him to a mechanic .. now we wait and find out what the issue is. Not a good start but que sera sera.

There is a train station close by so worse case scenario, he comes home for a few more days and I get to have another sook when he leaves again

This must be a long day for you Teila what with DH leaving and car issues and working on the move. Take care of yourself and stay busy. Hope there isn't anything major wrong with the car (thankfully that happened where he could find someone to look at it).
@Blooie never apologize, there are some large shoulders here
and we luv you and your family.

@Teila so sorry about the car problem, but not sure what a "sook" is
but imagination gave me the giggles.
But the car issue reminds me of the time my DH's truck left him abandoned on a country road - he called a "friend" who couldn't help because he was at a card game..

@N F C - I think you said the Frankenfoot could drive now? So, is the snow cleared out?

Made my decision, will get 4 baby chicks - anyone have any experience with Welsummer's - I was thinking about 4 BR's but that would put Lilly ( supposed to be a BO but never broody in 4 years!) alone with 5 BR's. I can get a mix of BR's and Welsummers - but they arrive next thinking about 2 BR and @ W's? Any opines?
My welsummer are decent birds. They don't lay a lot. They are in the middle of the pecking order and are good foragers. My barred rocks are a bit more pushy.
My welsummer are decent birds. They don't lay a lot. They are in the middle of the pecking order and are good foragers. My barred rocks are a bit more pushy.

Thanks for info. Mine would have to accept mostly confined living and not free range. Interesting about your BR's- mine have been pleasant and sweet although always higher in the order than my BO's - but mine are hatchery chicks.

Are the Welsummer broody often? That's the main reason I'm not getting more BO's.
@Blooie never apologize, there are some large shoulders here
and we luv you and your family.

@Teila so sorry about the car problem, but not sure what a "sook" is
but imagination gave me the giggles.
But the car issue reminds me of the time my DH's truck left him abandoned on a country road - he called a "friend" who couldn't help because he was at a card game..

@N F C - I think you said the Frankenfoot could drive now? So, is the snow cleared out?

Made my decision, will get 4 baby chicks - anyone have any experience with Welsummer's - I was thinking about 4 BR's but that would put Lilly ( supposed to be a BO but never broody in 4 years!) alone with 5 BR's. I can get a mix of BR's and Welsummers - but they arrive next thinking about 2 BR and @ W's? Any opines?

Hi sis

I'm so're getting chicks!!!! Welsummers are on my wish list, I'd definitely go with some of those! Yes, do 2 BR and 2 Welsummers! And pictures will be required you know.

Yep, Frankenfoot can drive now. He has a boot kind of thing he has to wear and a type of scooter to use to keep the pressure off his foot. We're both pleased with the progress he's making. We still have some snow on the ground and are expecting more late tonight. I try to keep the shoveling up (to a degree) so he can get through it.

Hey, that was some "friend" of your DH's to pass up helping him due to a card game. Some people
Do you have AAA? I've had to use them in the past and it's nice to have the to fall back on when you need it.

YAY, chickies! I'm really happy for you!
Neither my BO or my welsummer have been broody. Source for the birds seems to be a big factor in them being prone to broodiness.

I don't intentionally tame my chickens. My barred rock I have currently, keep their distance. They aren't aggressive, just like you said higher in the pecking order. I certainly don't need to worry they will be bullied like my salmon faverolle can be.

My oldest welsummer has always been a strange hen who follows me around muttering to herself. I have enjoyed her immensely. The younger two I don't notice too often in my large flock. So they aren't troublemakers.

Are you wanting broody or not broody?

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