The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

tjbaker70, sorry you lost your little stargazer. We can only do our best. But we would love to see photos of your other chicks. Chicks are so darn cute!

Blooie, sounds like you are going to be busy! As John Lennon sang "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"! And boy, was he right.

I'm sitting here with 4 birds on my shoulders (on the towel I have learned to put round me first as I don't have enough clothes to be changing them 3 times a day)! Pie is chirping sleepily. So cute!

My Bourke girl in the aviary (Rosie and Pie's mother) is incubating 3 fertile eggs. My other Bourke female, who lives indoors, is on infertile eggs (she keeps missing out that vital step)! I think once Pinkie's eggs hatch I will steal one baby and try and get it under Daffodil so she can raise a baby, get over her desperate need to be a mother and hopefully take it a little slower and get it right. I'm going to have to be very careful though as Daffodil bites, and bites hard so I'll have to make sure she gets me, not the baby. Pinkie just growls loudly at me. Daffodil doesn't make a sound but she's ready to strike!

Daffodil is a Rubino which means she is all pink with a stripe of yellow in her wings. Lutino/Rubino is sex linked so I need her to produce some offspring with her wild coloured mate so that I will have some split boys, one of which I will pair up with my 4 month old Rubino girl, Ruby (who was my birthday present), then I should get Lutinos and Rubinos out of them. I just need need some split boys for her to choose from! Daffodil was sold to me as a boy so now that she has revealed herself to be a girl I have to take the long way round to get those pretty babies.

I also have Japanese quail eggs in the incubator due to hatch on the 22nd. I've added a few more over a few days so there are 30 in there. Just don't tell my husband! Hopefully they won't all hatch as we are too soft to eat the boys. I should get some interesting colours though and quail chicks are so cute and friendly. So all that should keep me out of trouble!

My Java babies have got the very beginnings of wing pin feathers starting to grow. The youngest is looking quite small so I will take the bigger two to hand rear as I suspect they are getting the lions share of food at the moment. Our weekend is busy so hopefully it will be ok until Monday. I'll keep an eye on them anyway, and I could always give it a little top up feed if it looks starving.
My Java babies have got the very beginnings of wing pin feathers starting to grow. The youngest is looking quite small so I will take the bigger two to hand rear as I suspect they are getting the lions share of food at the moment. Our weekend is busy so hopefully it will be ok until Monday. I'll keep an eye on them anyway, and I could always give it a little top up feed if it looks starving.
Boy, the kids are going to be asking for the car keys soon if they keep growing at this rate!
Good morning folks

Sour I am considering your advice

I am so sorry you lost your little one TJ

N F C How sad, those poor little chickies! I get cranky when it is all about the dollar and the fact that these are living, feeling creatures is not taken into consideration.

Aaaw Blooie you can’t win a trick at the moment hey? Life is definitely a roller coaster; hopefully with another ‘up’ coming your way soon.

Don’t think I told you this good news yet but my son got his pre-approval for his home loan so he is now Unit [apartment] shopping! Of course, Mum is going along on the inspections to offer her opinions .. I know nothing about bachelor pads but I do know a thing or two about housekeeping and kitchen layout etc

Timber is being ordered for the coop as I type so hopefully I will have some progress pictures to share, assuming FIL has not forgotten his role as official photographer

I was working away today and all of a sudden the computer, two monitors and phone lost power and died, mid helpdesk ticket! Strangely enough the washing machine was still going and digital clocks etc.

I worked out it was just my corner of the room and as Chimee and Syba were dashing around the house like mad things, chasing and playing with each other, worked out further that they had pushed a box onto a plug and pulled it out of the wall .. thanks guys!
You've had an exciting day too, huh Teila! Great news about your son. I don't know how they do things there as far as housing (or anything else for that matter) but when you say "buy an apartment" would that be similar to buying a condo? I dunno...

I get what you're saying about the rambunctious pets unplugging your computer! What a pain that would be when you're working. It was bad enough when Kenny - a very little Kenny - tossed a football in the kitchen and broke the glass pot on my coffee pot. What I didn't realize at the time while I was scolding him and cleaning up the broken glass, was that the same toss unplugged my crock pot and the dinner I was supposed to be taking to a Navy Wives' Club potluck dinner. Um, I stopped and bought 2 buckets of chicken!
Ooops on the dinner Blooie!

Sorry, yeah, we call them Units or Apartments and thought that apartments was a term you used as well?

Anyways, I am thinking the same as condo [a term we do not use]? 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom etc. He wants the bachelor pad type scenario and looking at around the 16th floor. I hope this works, but this is an example unit:
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Ah, OK, I get ya!

Here they are units or apartments or townhouses, regardless of whether they are rented or owner occupied.

I thought a condo was a more up market type of thing but the only thing I know about apartments or condo’s in the States is what I have seen on television and we all know how believable TV is
Kinda like we do not have kangaroos hopping down the main street or rescuing lost children from wells and koala’s hanging off the light poles
Ah, OK, I get ya!

Here they are units or apartments or townhouses, regardless of whether they are rented or owner occupied.

I thought a condo was a more up market type of thing but the only thing I know about apartments or condo’s in the States is what I have seen on television and we all know how believable TV is
Kinda like we do not have kangaroos hopping down the main street or rescuing lost children from wells and koala’s hanging off the light poles

What? You don't? Pop, there go my illusions of life Down Under!

Congrats to your son, I hope he finds just the right place.
I'm sorry you lost her. Sometimes the best we can do is just too little to overcome problems.

Wait...I have to get a mental image of this....DD sleeping with a stuffed lion. Wearing jammies. (The lion, not DD)

Ken got home and gave me the bad news...when we were at the surgeon's office Tuesday he did a thorough exam (and some of the movements he did pulling on Ken's arm and moving stuff around almost made Ken yell) the thought was to do an injection and physical therapy, then recheck in about 6 weeks. The theory was that he can move it pretty well and doesn't have too much pain unless it's stressed, so it may well heal on its own if we can get the inflammation down. If it wasn't any better, they'd do an MRI and make other plans. Well, doc got a good look at the MRI and told Ken it was far worse than he'd thought, and he was so glad they opted for the MRI now. So Ken will have surgery on March 29th. This just couldn't happen at a worse time - so much to do to help Tam get the house ready, get her moved in, and Jenny has used up all of her time off with appointments for Kendra. Well, sometimes life just gets in the way of life and we all have to deal. Doctor is estimating a 10-12 week recovery time. Ugh!

Ken told Tam to make a list of the minor repairs that need to be done now (a few receptacles re-wired, a faulty light in the kitchen that need to be replaced, the ugly light taken down in the living room and her ceiling fan and light taken from the house she's in now and put into the new place, plus replacing the light in the rental that she'll be taking down). Tam said she was changing her plans. Most of the painting can wait. She'll get the place cleaned up, paint the dining room -she really hates that turquoise - and she can do the rest little by little after she's moved in. I told her that she and I could probably get all the rooms downstairs painted and if we have to we can wait to do the bedrooms upstairs. Sounds like a plan.

Long day.

Blooie, sorry Ken's shoulder is worse than originally thought but glad he's getting it taken care of. There's never really a "good time" for things like surgery.

Tam will get the house licked into shape, it just takes time. It always seemed to me that you're never really done with a house...there are always those couple more things you'd like to do. Don't forget to share a picture once in a while on the progress!
tjbaker70, sorry you lost your little stargazer. We can only do our best. But we would love to see photos of your other chicks. Chicks are so darn cute!

Blooie, sounds like you are going to be busy! As John Lennon sang "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"! And boy, was he right.

I'm sitting here with 4 birds on my shoulders (on the towel I have learned to put round me first as I don't have enough clothes to be changing them 3 times a day)! Pie is chirping sleepily. So cute!

My Bourke girl in the aviary (Rosie and Pie's mother) is incubating 3 fertile eggs. My other Bourke female, who lives indoors, is on infertile eggs (she keeps missing out that vital step)! I think once Pinkie's eggs hatch I will steal one baby and try and get it under Daffodil so she can raise a baby, get over her desperate need to be a mother and hopefully take it a little slower and get it right. I'm going to have to be very careful though as Daffodil bites, and bites hard so I'll have to make sure she gets me, not the baby. Pinkie just growls loudly at me. Daffodil doesn't make a sound but she's ready to strike!

Daffodil is a Rubino which means she is all pink with a stripe of yellow in her wings. Lutino/Rubino is sex linked so I need her to produce some offspring with her wild coloured mate so that I will have some split boys, one of which I will pair up with my 4 month old Rubino girl, Ruby (who was my birthday present), then I should get Lutinos and Rubinos out of them. I just need need some split boys for her to choose from! Daffodil was sold to me as a boy so now that she has revealed herself to be a girl I have to take the long way round to get those pretty babies.

I also have Japanese quail eggs in the incubator due to hatch on the 22nd. I've added a few more over a few days so there are 30 in there. Just don't tell my husband! Hopefully they won't all hatch as we are too soft to eat the boys. I should get some interesting colours though and quail chicks are so cute and friendly. So all that should keep me out of trouble!

My Java babies have got the very beginnings of wing pin feathers starting to grow. The youngest is looking quite small so I will take the bigger two to hand rear as I suspect they are getting the lions share of food at the moment. Our weekend is busy so hopefully it will be ok until Monday. I'll keep an eye on them anyway, and I could always give it a little top up feed if it looks starving.

Birdies, birdies everywhere! How fun that must be, to have all those little ones around (ok, it's work too but work can be fun).

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