The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Went well, huh. Men are such good patients - far better than women.
Ah, went in I was swimming in bad words all the way home.
The surgeon told Ken, "When you get home from the hospital, you're not going to like me very well. When you start physical therapy, you're going to hate my guts." Wish he'd been lying!!
Good morning folks

Tee hee .. nothing like butt jokes to start the day!
Luckily Crystal did not drop too many feathers overnight and may be over the worse of it. Man, does she look like no-one loves her .. I sure do hope she gets some feathers back before the pet transport people arrive or I might have some explaining to do!

N F C that was a long day!

I had a big day also.. besides humiliating Crystal
I spent 7 hours washing the whole outside of the house.

Anyone have eaves? Do you really notice them? Do you wash them? I confess to living here for nearly 7 years and while I did kinda notice that they needed a wash and were gradually getting dirtier, that was a job for another day and also easily forgotten if you do not look up
Pay back for humiliating Crystal, I shall humiliate myself........



Then I took a closer look at the side of the shed which for a while now I thought had some sort of corrosion issue going on .. turns out it was lichen from the neighbours’ palm trees:



Remember the cat in the garden stalking the chickens the other morning? Yesterday I was playing keepies-off-the-chickens with something resembling a micro-Ewok! Turns out it was one of the countless numbers of dogs from across the road and apparently the neighbour did not think that my trying to keep the snappy, barking micro-Ework from heading in the direction of the girls with the broom I had been using to wash the eaves was appropriate as she shouted out to me “It is OK, he does not bite!” To which I shouted a reply of “Tell that to my chickens!”. Moving may be a pain in the butt but there are some things I am definitely not going to miss! So tired of other people’s responsibilities encroaching on to our property …. Would it be inappropriate to save up a few days worth of overnight chicken poops and sprinkle them all over their lawn? “It’s OK, they don’t bite!”

Today's plans are to spend some time in the garden killing some weeds .. nothing too strenuous today [I have some achy bits!] and tonight I have drinkies with my friend .. so looking forward to that! I get to put on something nice and not cleaning and packing clothes ....



Must remember to be home before midnight!
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Trust me, I wanna leave! LOL

There is method to my cleaning madness and the taking of pictures as I go .. I will have a Real Estate Agent / Property Manager to deal with and hopefully some bond money to get back.

In the whole time we have lived here, all that the owner has done to the house is fix the blocked drain, a couple of non-functioning door locks and replace a broken dishwasher BUT they will still expect the place to look better than it did when we moved in 7 years ago

The less I can give them to grumble about, hopefully the easier the whole process will be.
If I posted pics of my windows, doors and garage door, I would have to hide from BYC for years
. Not to mention INSIDE my house..

Have a great time tonite and do be home before midnite :)
If I posted pics of my windows, doors and garage door, I would have to hide from BYC for years
. Not to mention INSIDE my house..

Have a great time tonite and do be home before midnite :)
Me too. I blame it on my dirt road, in a dusty state, and the spring winds. If I dust, it will be back tomorrow so I'm just letting it build up until May.

Have a great time Teila!

Can't wait for the opening day report Debby!
Teila, I think it is essential that you pepper the 'he doesn't bite," neighbors lawn with chicken leavings, the more the better. I hear some dogs like to gobble it up, hmm, bet his breath will have quite a bite to it.
So why in the world would anyone want to move from cities like San Diego, Chicago, Memphis, Sioux Falls, and come to a tiny little town of 600, like Cowley? Because it's...well...Cowley!

For 5 years Kendra has sat out the Easter Egg hunts....oh, she's attended a couple but the racing and excitement of the other kids was too much for her, and she wasn't fast enough to get any eggs when she did try. Not this year....Jenny got a call from someone at the Rec Dept who asked Jen if Kendra would be going. Seems there is another little girl with some issues and the Rec wanted to make sure they were included this year. Told Jenny that Kendra is just as much a part of this community as any other child and they wanted her to take part.

I guess they've rigged up away for these two special little ones to get out there and find some eggs of their own! They are putting them by flags with the girls' names on them (the hunts are divided by age groups) and those are their eggs to find, if I understood a very excited Jenny right! The plan is to leave the wheelchair home and put Kendra in her gait trainer so she'll be able to "walk" the field but that'll depend on the weather and how level the ground is. This is going to be so amazing! Can't wait to take a video! And Katie asked Jenny if she could just help with Kendra instead of doing the Easter Egg hunt herself. That's my girl!
Oh Blooie - that'll be a lovely Easter egg hunt. Poor Ken - hope it gets better soon.

Debby, you are hard at work. Hope your shopping trip went well and you've got all your supplies.

Teila, you have been busy. Poor Crystal. I always feel so sorry for moulting chickens. They seem so miserable. Don't worry - you aren't the only one with numb skull neighbours. We have our fair share! But then we had a lovely young man from up the road who came round to let us know he was having a party for his 18th birthday. So I thought he's getting brought up right!

We've had a busy day here with family visiting to celebrate my Nan's birthday, then tomorrow we've got our Easter egg hunt at my sister's. I was a bit worried about Minnow as he wasn't eating that well but he seems to be picking up again. They are just starting to get the start of pin feathers on their wings. I'll have to pack everything up for them to take them to my sister's. What fun!
So why in the world would anyone want to move from cities like San Diego, Chicago, Memphis, Sioux Falls, and come to a tiny little town of 600, like Cowley? Because it's...well...Cowley!

For 5 years Kendra has sat out the Easter Egg hunts....oh, she's attended a couple but the racing and excitement of the other kids was too much for her, and she wasn't fast enough to get any eggs when she did try. Not this year....Jenny got a call from someone at the Rec Dept who asked Jen if Kendra would be going. Seems there is another little girl with some issues and the Rec wanted to make sure they were included this year. Told Jenny that Kendra is just as much a part of this community as any other child and they wanted her to take part.

I guess they've rigged up away for these two special little ones to get out there and find some eggs of their own! They are putting them by flags with the girls' names on them (the hunts are divided by age groups) and those are their eggs to find, if I understood a very excited Jenny right! The plan is to leave the wheelchair home and put Kendra in her gait trainer so she'll be able to "walk" the field but that'll depend on the weather and how level the ground is. This is going to be so amazing! Can't wait to take a video! And Katie asked Jenny if she could just help with Kendra instead of doing the Easter Egg hunt herself. That's my girl!

You do live in a very special place - how thoughtful for the organizers to think of this. Do at least take some pics to share. Hope the weather is perfect.

Oh Blooie - that'll be a lovely Easter egg hunt. Poor Ken - hope it gets better soon.

Debby, you are hard at work. Hope your shopping trip went well and you've got all your supplies.

Teila, you have been busy. Poor Crystal. I always feel so sorry for moulting chickens. They seem so miserable. Don't worry - you aren't the only one with numb skull neighbours. We have our fair share! But then we had a lovely young man from up the road who came round to let us know he was having a party for his 18th birthday. So I thought he's getting brought up right!

We've had a busy day here with family visiting to celebrate my Nan's birthday, then tomorrow we've got our Easter egg hunt at my sister's. I was a bit worried about Minnow as he wasn't eating that well but he seems to be picking up again. They are just starting to get the start of pin feathers on their wings. I'll have to pack everything up for them to take them to my sister's. What fun!

I have visions of diaper and formula bags for the babies.....
. Hope Minnow keeps eating and you have a fun day.

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