The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning folks

I am pleased to hear that I am not the only one who leaves some aspects of keeping the house clean until it absolutely has to be done

Blooie what a wonderful gesture .. I too can not wait to see the video of Kendra participating in the Easter Egg Hunt.

J I hope the birthday celebrations went well.

I had such a fun time at my friend’s last night. As her hubby was picking me up after work and we were waiting for the girls to get settled on the roost before leaving, I was conscious that he had had a long day at work and was keen not to keep him waiting for too long. So, while the girls settled down for the night, I quickly got ready, checked that everyone was tucked in and off we went. It was not until we got to their house that I realised that I had left my Bourbon in its travel bag in the fridge!
My friend had to drive me to the bottle shop. We joked about how so unaccustomed I was to leaving the house I could not even pack my bag properly!

I was home at 11PM, well before midnight and before I turned back into my Cinderella, non-Princess self.

Woke up this morning with a sore throat which will be due to all the talking we did. I have not done much talking over the past 6 weeks; while they are great company, the cats and chickens are not great conversationalists.

She did suggest that we should do that every Friday night until I leave but sadly, that kind of free time is something I will not have much of between now and the final move but I will definitely make sure we get together again before I leave.

Telia, glad you had a night off....OMG you can drink Bourbon? Guess I'm just a sissy, I only drink pink wines or sweet drinks

I posted a pic in the Natural Egg contest post #160

The tiny egg at the bottom nearly measures 1 inch = a poot egg, not large enough to call a fart egg. About 1/2 the size or less than they laid as young pullets.
One of my 4 YO hens laid this this week. So funny, but a real puzzle. Wild birds cannot enter thru the 1/2 inch hardware cloth, so it has to be a hen egg.

Anyone ever seen anything like this??? I will have to crack it to see if there's a yolk or what, but considering trying to salvage that tiny shell for a Christmas Ornament.
Hey sunflour

For me, Wine = instant headache. I do not have a sweet tooth, more of a savoury one; I would rather a bag of Potato Chips [is that what you call them? ] over a piece of cake any day.

I do not drink during the week and my usual limit on a Friday, Saturday & Sunday night is one can of Bourbon & Coke, last night I was a little devil and had 2! lol

I love the Natural Egg Picture .. very clever!

This is the smallest egg we have gotten and yes, that is your average corn kernel next to it and a bantam egg for comparison. This little one had a yolk ….

Hey sunflour

For me, Wine = instant headache. I do not have a sweet tooth, more of a savoury one; I would rather a bag of Potato Chips [is that what you call them? ] over a piece of cake any day.

I do not drink during the week and my usual limit on a Friday, Saturday & Sunday night is one can of Bourbon & Coke, last night I was a little devil and had 2! lol

I love the Natural Egg Picture .. very clever!

This is the smallest egg we have gotten and yes, that is your average corn kernel next to it and a bantam egg for comparison. This little one had a yolk ….

OMG 2 Bourbon's and Coke
...good for you.

My hen's poot egg - she's either a BO or BO - really big gals...there was a normal egg and the tiny one in the same nest.....I really wonder if one hen laid both and didn't notice the small one
. Likely the curiosity will overcome me and I'll crack that little egg tomorrow:)

OH, and Happy Easter Teila, I forget you're a half a day away from here.
Happy Easter! Glad you had a good time, Teila! But you're supposed to forget things AFTER a couple of nips, not before!

They had things set up so well for Kendra and the other little girl, Taylor. Flags stuck in the ground with the plastic eggs taped to them at ground level. Taylor and Kendra's names were on each of several flags. I wasn't sure Kendra was enjoying herself at first, but after I watched the video I can see her making the hand sign for "more" a few times. She sometimes holds her hands in her lap so it makes it hard to see. That's the only hand sign she makes! Katie was an awesome helper! The jury is out on the Easter Bunny - Kendra wasn't real impressed.

This new Cowley Rec president introduced some great new stuff in addition to making it possible for Kendra and Taylor to participate. Under the Pavillion they had prizes set up on the picnic tables. On the benches, in front of each prize, were paper bags. Each child could write his/her name on a maximum of 3 of the eggs they found. They could put all 3 eggs in the bag in front of one prize, or one egg in each of three different bags. I think there were a total of 12 different prizes. Then the older "helper" kids drew an egg for each prize and read the name so that child could collect what they won. The kids LOVED it!





Oops, forgot to post the video! About halfway through, David Peck, who is the owner and editor of the newspaper here, took some photos of Kendra for this week's paper. She wasn't real cooperative but I hope he got some good shots to choose from.

Morning and Happy Easter everyone!

Our opening day was a huge was cold and windy out but we had a good turnout. The food was raved about, really glad to hear that. My high school girl from last year is coming back, so happy to see her yesterday. No idea what today will be like with it being Easter but we'll take what we get and there's more than plenty to do.

I took a quick read of everyone's posts, you've all certainly been keeping busy too! I'll try to stay awake long enough tonight to properly reply.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and just to leave you with a grin, here for your Easter enjoyment...

And can't forget this classic:

Have a good one!
Telia, glad you had a night off....OMG you can drink Bourbon? Guess I'm just a sissy, I only drink pink wines or sweet drinks :D . I posted a pic in the Natural Egg contest post #160 The tiny egg at the bottom nearly measures 1 inch = a poot egg, not large enough to call a fart egg. About 1/2 the size or less than they laid as young pullets. One of my 4 YO hens laid this this week. So funny, but a real puzzle. Wild birds cannot enter thru the 1/2 inch hardware cloth, so it has to be a hen egg. Anyone ever seen anything like this??? I will have to crack it to see if there's a yolk or what, but considering trying to salvage that tiny shell for a Christmas Ornament.
I had one of them the other day from one of my EE's. I brought it over to my neighbors to show her kids and they got a kick out of it...then their mom fried it up for breakfast,no yolk.
Morning and Happy Easter everyone! Our opening day was a huge was cold and windy out but we had a good turnout. The food was raved about, really glad to hear that. My high school girl from last year is coming back, so happy to see her yesterday. No idea what today will be like with it being Easter but we'll take what we get and there's more than plenty to do. I took a quick read of everyone's posts, you've all certainly been keeping busy too! I'll try to stay awake long enough tonight to properly reply. Hope you all have a wonderful day and just to leave you with a grin, here for your Easter enjoyment... And can't forget this classic: Have a good one!
Good morning Debby and all! I'm glad yesterday went well, what a good feeling! Happy Easter to everyone

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