The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Blooie, thanks for sharing the photos and videos. Katie was a great helper! My kids never liked people dressed up in costumes either!

Hope your day goes smoothly Debby. Here, businesses aren't allowed to open on Easter Friday or Sunday unless you are a food place (in which case you pay a surcharge seeing as it's a public holiday and they have to pay their staff more) or something essential like the petrol (gas) station. Some do regardless and just pay the fine. But not many.

Sadly my little Minnow is no more. Over the last couple of days he wasn't eating well and his crop just didn't look right. He didn't seem comfortable when he did try to eat so I was actually relieved to find he'd passed away this morning, poor little thing. But Piper seems to be doing well. Piper's eyes opened yesterday evening and s/he's getting the beginnings of pin feathers. I'm just sad s/he's on his/her own now. But at least s/he'll have Valentine and Luvy to show him/her the ropes.

My Java finches have just about weaned themselves. Rowdy still begs for food (very loudly) when I offer it and eats it until he looks ready to pop, but the other two only have a teeny taste.

I have 3 new Java finches hatched out in the aviary. I'm hoping their mother will do better this time. Not sure if her other 3 eggs will hatch or not. And our Button quail hatched just one chick from their 6 eggs. One egg wasn't fertile and the other 4 were late quitters. I'm not surprised as it's gone from horribly hot and humid to really rather chilly at night. Plus Matilda (the mother) has sat through two ex tropical cyclones, so she's done alright. She's a sweet little thing and very calm. They are usually very highly strung little things and I've read of people's birds killing themselves in fright simply because they walked into the aviary! Matilda certainly doesn't want to be touched but she'll pass right by us and is always waiting near the door to see what I'm up to when I go into the aviary.

I found a Japanese quail fairy egg the other day - perfectly formed, lovely hard shell. I've only ever had soft shelled mini ones before. It's half the size it should be. I must crack it open to see if there is more than just white inside.

Hope you all have a relaxing Easter.
Good morning folks

It is Monday morning here but I am guessing Sunday evening there? I do hope that you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday and are now relaxing and soaking up the memories or I am too late and you are now sleeping? [Except for J of course].

Blooie thank you for sharing what will be your memories .. beautiful and heart warming! Yes, it was “the greatest thing”!

N F C I am pleased that opening day was a success

D M C Great Easter Treats!

J I am so very sorry to hear about Minnow
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Those are lovely. Is the white rooster candy or part of the server? I didn't know you could't paint that type of paneling... but my mom wanted to paint her kitchen, but dad wouldn't let she bought contact adhesive paper and covered her paneling between the cabinets and workspace. It lasted decades. Just a thought if ya want to try it. I did crack it and no yolk, just a piece of something that sloughed off and made an egg. It is still amazing though. I had to look that one up :D . You can have one anytime you want to spend the dough:) But I do agree, there should be badges that apply just to you two, definitely originals :clap and help add spark to BYC.
Thanks Sunflour! The rooster is the center part of the egg platter. I didn't dye any eggs so used peeps instead. I wanted to buy some white eggs to dye but figured that was insane when i had 8 dozen farm fresh sitting at home
I will be getting some white leghorns if they ever get them in at Runnings.
Sadly my little Minnow is no more. Over the last couple of days he wasn't eating well and his crop just didn't look right. He didn't seem comfortable when he did try to eat so I was actually relieved to find he'd passed away this morning, poor little thing. But Piper seems to be doing well. Piper's eyes opened yesterday evening and s/he's getting the beginnings of pin feathers. I'm just sad s/he's on his/her own now. But at least s/he'll have Valentine and Luvy to show him/her the ropes.
I am so sorry about Minnow
. The little guy gave it his best. Hope Piper continues to thrive.

Thanks Sunflour! The rooster is the center part of the egg platter. I didn't dye any eggs so used peeps instead. I wanted to buy some white eggs to dye but figured that was insane when i had 8 dozen farm fresh sitting at home
I will be getting some white leghorns if they ever get them in at Runnings.
I thought so, love that egg platter. I didn't dye eggs either. But IMO brown eggs dyed with traditional dyes are really cool. After having only brown ( pink) eggs - white ones seem weird somehow. We have had to buy eggs for hard boiled eggs and get the brown ones - those from our hens (even with oyster shell supplements) explode in my steamer.

I tried making homemade Reese's yesterday - they were a disaster. So only store bought Easter Candy for breakfast today:(
Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a good day and for those celebrating Easter, I hope it was a special one (I know your's was Blooie

J, sorry to hear about little Minnow, you did your best with him. Sounds like you have other little ones popping up just about everywhere!

Teila, it was nice reading about spending time with your friend...friendships are so important, it's good to make time for them.

DMC, your Easter plates with the treats looked very festive.

Sunflour, any word on when you might be able to pick up a few chicks from your local place? I'm enjoying having the chicks again.

Need to catch up on a few more threads then try to do some laundry and dishes...note the try part, lol.

Have a good evening!
I am so sorry about Minnow :hugs .  The little guy gave it his best.  Hope Piper continues to thrive.

I thought so, love that egg platter.   I didn't dye eggs either.  But IMO brown eggs dyed with traditional dyes are really cool.  After having only brown ( pink) eggs - white ones seem weird somehow.  We have had to buy eggs for hard boiled eggs and get the brown ones - those from our hens (even with oyster shell supplements) explode in my steamer.
I tried making homemade Reese's yesterday - they were a disaster.  So only store bought Easter Candy for breakfast today:(

I wonder why your eggs explode? I agree white seems weird after having the colored ones but I love the bright colors when you dye the white ones. I've never tried to make homemade reeses as the boughten are so good! I have made reeses bars which are good.
Change in plans today. If you're gonna live in this family, ya gotta be flexible.
Ham got wrapped back up and put into the fridge for a day later this week. Seems we got our wires crossed and Kenny thought it was his turn to do Easter Dinner. So he cooked a complete traditional Thanksgiving dinner, with the best, most juicy, crispiest-skin turkey I've had in a long time! There was mashed taters, gravy, green beans, rolls, stuffing, Orange Fluff, Cranberry compote, and pumpkin pie for dessert! It was fantastic!

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