The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a good day and for those celebrating Easter, I hope it was a special one (I know your's was Blooie

J, sorry to hear about little Minnow, you did your best with him. Sounds like you have other little ones popping up just about everywhere!

Teila, it was nice reading about spending time with your friend...friendships are so important, it's good to make time for them.

DMC, your Easter plates with the treats looked very festive.

Sunflour, any word on when you might be able to pick up a few chicks from your local place? I'm enjoying having the chicks again.

Need to catch up on a few more threads then try to do some laundry and dishes...note the try part, lol.

Have a good evening!

I'm still hoping for new chicks end of this month. My 2 remaining hens are best buddies and loving really worries me what if there was only one left? I think adding some newbies is a must. If the place doesn't get the chicks in, I'll explore other resources :)

I wonder why your eggs explode? I agree white seems weird after having the colored ones but I love the bright colors when you dye the white ones. I've never tried to make homemade reeses as the boughten are so good! I have made reeses bars which are good.
I think the shells are too thin, and the gals won't eat supplemental oyster shells. So, we have started grinding it up and adding it too their feed....sneaky but hope that works.

I used real tempered chocolate for the recees candies and they need a softer chocolate. But the filling was right on target. What type of chocolate do you use for our receeses bars?
Change in plans today. If you're gonna live in this family, ya gotta be flexible.
Ham got wrapped back up and put into the fridge for a day later this week. Seems we got our wires crossed and Kenny thought it was his turn to do Easter Dinner. So he cooked a complete traditional Thanksgiving dinner, with the best, most juicy, crispiest-skin turkey I've had in a long time! There was mashed taters, gravy, green beans, rolls, stuffing, Orange Fluff, Cranberry compote, and pumpkin pie for dessert! It was fantastic!

Sounds delicious. Too bad you didn't get notice and could have saved your time in the ham prep.
Sounds delicious. Too bad you didn't get notice and could have saved your time in the ham prep.
Oh, it didn't take that long to prep...just scored it, sprinkled it with brown sugar, studded it with cloves, and it was ready. Pineapple glaze is made, so now all I have to do is get it out of the fridge to come close to room temp and when it's about done cooking, glaze it. After sitting with the cloves and brown sugar for a few days, it should really soak in the flavor, too. So I win with the dinner tonight and I win with the ham when we cook it up.
I make pseudo Reeses by getting a jar of peanut butter, I prefer crunchy, and then pouring Hershey's chocolate syrup over it.. Stir well, then dig in and enjoy. No cooking, and ready to eat in just a few minutes. Plus all the mess in contained in the jar,

I used to love ice cream with peanut butter cups inside - nowadays can't stand it in ice cream
Gees … all I can say is that it is a good thing I do not have a sweet tooth and lunch is in the oven right now or I would be diving into the pantry after reading your posts

PS. Lunch is spinach and feta cheese pastries .. just returning the favour; hopefully igniting a hankering

Lawns mowed .. soon to share lunch with the girls and then some pleasant pottering in the garden, nothing too strenuous, really just an excuse to spend a beautiful day outside.
Just have a couple of photos to share of Piper. Piper made a friend today - Luvy finally got over his fear of this tiny squeaking thing and decided to be very maternal! He fed Piper some food. I was very pleased as the poor little thing would've missed out on good bacteria and antibodies from his/her parents, so Luvy should be passing on some good stuff to help the little one along.

And I now have 6 Java finch babies to worry about! I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on how things are going and I might feed the babies once a day if I can just to make sure they are getting fed enough. It's quite chilly here at night now so I'm hoping the mother will do ok with 6. At least their mouths are big enough that I should be able to use an eye dropper.
AW love the photos, especially Luvy stepping up to help. Oh my 6 Javas with bottomless pits for stomachs - hope mama will do well without too much help. I have to ask, do you ever get a break where you can sleep several hours at one time? Or do you suddenly wake with a start, thinking you have more babies to hand feed?
Yup, that sounds about right - I am a worry-wort and I feel like I've been hand rearing babies forever. I've got my alarm set so I don't sleep in by accident but that usually means I wake up much earlier than I need to! I will be glad when everyone takes a break for the winter. I'll be removing the nestboxes when I can but I need for no one to have babies.
Good morning!

J, that's good news about Luvy and Piper...kind of take some of the load off you.

Blooie, Ken's Easter/Thanksgiving dinner sounds really good. And now you even have a head start on the ham dinner!

Teila, I love savory pastries like your spinach & feta
You might have to send me a care package...can't find them around here and I don't have time to make them. So about how much longer until you get to join hubby now? It's getting close, right?

Sunflour, you're right, you must get choice in the matter at all (
). These 6 next to my desk are really goofy this morning. It seems some of them are discovering their wings and trying to fly which terrorizes the ones that have no clue what's going on. Crazy kids!

DD, you should write a cook book with recipes like your peanut butter cup one. It could be a best seller with busy folk everywhere

Short day at work for me today. I have a check up with the doc this afternoon and she's over in Laramie so it will take me some time to get there. Today I'm actually looking forward to the drive...a whole hour or so of just sitting & driving all by myself, lol.

I hope you all have a wonderful day & I'll check in later!
I'm still hoping for new chicks end of this month.  My 2 remaining hens are best buddies and loving really worries me what if there was only one left?  I think adding some newbies is a must. If the place doesn't get the chicks in, I'll explore other resources :)

I think the shells are too thin, and the gals won't eat supplemental oyster shells.  So, we have started grinding it up and adding it too their feed....sneaky but hope that works.

I used real tempered chocolate for the recees candies and they need a softer chocolate.   But the filling was right on target.  What type of chocolate do you use for our receeses bars?

Milk Chocolate chips with a dab of peanut butter.

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