The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

We've had a tui outside singing since 4am. He sang all day yesterday too. A tui is a very beautiful native bird. They are good mimics too and this one has a permanent wing injury so lives at a bird sanctuary up north.

My Javas are starting to look much cuter. One has fuzz on his head, the other is still bald.
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And my little Societies - they hatch with the odd tuft of down on them which is pretty funny (and cute). And there is mountains of poop in there as at least four adults are taking care of them and they all cram into the nestbox at night to sleep (and have done since one started making a nest in there)!
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The bird from the sanctuary is visiting?
The bird from the sanctuary is visiting?

:lau That would be pretty freaky getting woken up by some strange 'man' talking to you. Our one's just doing the usual honking and trilling, trying to attract a mate. There's a massive gum tree on the neighbour's property right on the boundary and he sits at the top of that so his voice can echo far and wide.
Thanks, it was delicious if I do say so myself lol

Although I must admit I just bought crust and used canned cherries so not exactly gourmet but I do make a mean apple pie. I might make one of those soon as we have tons of apples
Pitting cherries for a pie is very over rated. Good canned cherries are very tasty
@JaeG I've never heard of a Tui before, very pretty.

How old are the Javas now?

And your Societies...guess it's true, it does take a village!

You asking that question has made me sit down and work out how old the Javas are. I didn't mark it on the calendar so had to find the text I'd sent my husband. They are bang on 3 weeks old today. Which has left me wondering where 3 weeks went! Heck, I'm amazed that it's the start of December on Friday!

I'm trying very hard not to stress about Christmas. I'll have to get DH to take the kids out one day so I can wrap presents as our daughter is up to all hours at night, despite only being 10, and our son is up at the crack of dawn, and with home schooling them it doesn't leave many opportunities for covert wrapping of presents. And I've had to tell a few white lies about the parcels turning up at the door.

Excitement! Son asked me to send him grandmas engagement ring! :celebrate :clap :woot :yesss:

Awww - exciting!!! :wee

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