The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Evening everyone,
Teila those are beautiful :love
I used to have a crazy cat we called the Old Man. He would climb the Christmas tree (which I always had cross tied to the wall) all the way to the top and then never failed to fall out of the tree and always landed flat on his back! He would lay there a moment, get up, stair at the tree and begin to scream at it!!!:lau He would sometimes get so mad he would begin to jump up and down! It was hilarious and our laughing only seemed to make him angrier which would make us laugh harder of course. And before you ask, no he was not declawed, just an uncoordinated idiot.

LOL OMG that is hysterical!

I had a beagle with a disc problem that I moved into the house. Mike got bent out of shape because his food bowl got moved up on a counter so that the dog could not eat it. He walked to the door, gave the dog a dirty look, and walked out.

Smart cat! Haha that's kind of sad though for you guys. But wow he seemed smart. Or a king. Waltzed in like he owned the place, left when he wanted (and cause he felt like things weren't to his liking anymore) :lau
Ron at least you won't have tons of leaves buried under SNOW during the winter. I always hope they will self destruct but, whenever spring does show up, so do all the crappy leaves. BTW Sycamore trees have dinner plate sized leaves.:heI thought that was really neat in 1973 when I planted a whip from Kmart.
Good (early) morning. According to Opie, it's and time to get up
smiley cat.gif

Looks like there may be a nap in my near future. Hope you all have a good day!
Ron at least you won't have tons of leaves buried under SNOW during the winter. I always hope they will self destruct but, whenever spring does show up, so do all the crappy leaves. BTW Sycamore trees have dinner plate sized leaves.:heI thought that was really neat in 1973 when I planted a whip from Kmart.
Our old place in Corning had a sycamore tree. It was huge and had a lot of very large leaves.

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