The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


Good Morning Friends :hugs

DMC your kitty pics are adorable! :love

No Christmas tree for us because of the cats who I know for sure would just destroy it.

Thank you Capricorn .. yep, had a wonderful time but, as always, good to be home.

I have been tossing up whether to share a progress pic of my latest cross stitch but as we were [late to the party, as always] talking crafts; here goes ….

This one has been in the making for the past 3 months, working on it most evenings for a couple of hours:

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Some previous efforts which I have kept, others I have given to friends and family.

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Beautiful cross-stitch! I haven’t done any for years. I do put my stockings up as I put a lot of time into them. I had someone else sew the actual stocking together which I regretted as she did a terrible job. I was scared to do it myself after all the hours I put into them. They are not sturdy enough to put anything into them.
Sour, sure people name plants. Most of mine have names like Nightmare, Lucille, Kryptonite, Black Magic Woman, Giggles, Snickers, Chuckles. Of course I hybridize them so pretty much have to name them. Even have one named "Cow Patty,"- an amazing bloomer.

I even used to name ordinary house plants, I had one called Eurydice- probably spelled wrong but, when I had her I still had most of my brain function. Also had Orpheus , and
@sunflour, Of course the shirts talk back. Why else would I talk to them ? :idunno


Beautiful cross-stitch! I haven’t done any for years. I do put my stockings up as I put a lot of time into them. I had someone else sew the actual stocking together which I regretted as she did a terrible job. I was scared to do it myself after all the hours I put into them. They are not sturdy enough to put anything into them.
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they are lovely - but I would fear placing them even close to the fireplace?

:lau. We have run our A/C to be able to have a fire for Christmas.

I just found this - thought I'd give you guys a laugh. It's poking fun at the kiwi accent!

:lau. I recently crossed paths with a family from New Jersey, the 6 year old boy could not understand me at all :gignor could I understand a single word he said.

Jae I watched that video and I was as confused as poor Santa. I think it's great that you can type "American" words so well without any accent. Have no trouble understanding you at all. :gig Good show :thumbsup


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