The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I think I might have asked this before but does anyone know any good Golden Retriever breeders in New England or even just the whole East Coast area/Eastern US in general? Or even ones in any other area in the US that are just so good they'd be worth travelling to?

I can Google, and I have, and it does seem like there are a lot in this area but it also seems like there's so many that it's overwhelming and hard to narrow it down or actually find just one. :(

So I thought maybe someone has personal experiences.

And no, I probably won't get one any time soon.

I think I just have puppy fever because my brother is adopting a puppy lol

But also, I've been watching a lot of trick videos on YouTube and what these dogs know is so impressive. And breed videos. So I thought I wanted a Malinois or Border Collie or even Toller but those are too crazy I think. Okay, not crazy. Mals are actually far from crazy. They're very disciplined and handler focused. But what I mean is "crazy" in terms of or equivalent to: "has a ton of energy and drive and very very smart and needs to go go go and/or have a job all the time" lol

And I can't handle that.

So then I thought I wanted a Lab. And I still do. Lab or Golden. I've decided both can do tricks and likely just as well as the other dogs.

But then I also found a Golden service dog recently and watched a few videos. Like these two.

And she is just SO SMART. And SO CUTE.

And I've decided I need a dog to train. Gator is great but he doesn't really love training. I mean, he likes some if the commands and games and sometimes he gets into it but he's also lazy and getting older so he just doesn't like it very much. I've decided I need a dog that really truly wants to train and learn. Because I love dog training and working with/training my dog. I also want to be able to take the dog places with me or even do some dog sports maybe.

Plus my friend has 2 Goldens and they're adorable and smart too.

So now I want one.

Now, I think I'll be able to train Libby or at least help them and I am puppy sitting the first week of March so I think that will help somewhat but she's also not mine so I can't do what I want to or have access to her all the time.

So I do think I eventually need my own dog to train and work with.

And I think a retriever, whether a Lab or a Golden, fits the bill. They just have such sweet, goofy, loving temperaments and so calm and friendly. I THINK the Goldens are a little bit softer in terms of temperament and loving everybody as well as maybe slightly more biddable and trainable? And slightly calmer? So I think they may be the better choice. Am I wrong there at all?

Now, all of this is not to say that I want to or am going to dump or get rid of Gator. I could never do that. I love him to pieces even if he's not as energetic as some dogs. He lights up when he wants to play or on walks and with some training depending what we do. But he really loves playing. And he is such a goof ball sometimes and sometimes tries to make us laugh lol

So I'd never give him up.

But I'm just saying when he passes or if we ever decide to add a second dog, then I think a Golden should be the one.

If/when I graduate I am going to try to find a job, whether that's a real one or just dog walking/training, and try to save up a bunch of money. That way I can either A. Hopefully move out or B. If I don't, at least be able to afford and pay for a second dog/dog of my own. And/or option C. Build a tiny house on the property or fix up the barn/garage so it'll be like I moved out but didn't lol then I could get a dog there too
Good Afternoon Friends :hugs

As I type it is bright sunshine with thunder in the distance but this storm is probably going to miss us:


Hopefully we will get one later. Got the lawns mowed, weeds killed etc but it was HOT out there! :sick

Still some bare patches but definitely getting there!

17 February 2018.jpg

17 February 2018 A.jpg

While we were in town, I popped in to a Farm Store that sells some fish; not many or anything special but I picked up a pair of Platies for the pond and I think the girl is already pregnant :clap
Teila, love your yard. Just know I can't handle hot weather. Anything above mid 70's is too hot for me. I get so sluggish I can barely walk. When things cool down or there is a strong , cool breeze I feel energized.:woot

Thank You Diva! It has taken a lot of hard work to get to this stage but it is definitely starting to pay off and I am proud of my accomplishment; less jungle, more garden ;)

I hear ya! Today has knocked it out of me a bit also. I did drinks heaps of water though. It is 04:30PM and still 86F.
Good Afternoon Friends :hugs

As I type it is bright sunshine with thunder in the distance but this storm is probably going to miss us:

View attachment 1267511

Hopefully we will get one later. Got the lawns mowed, weeds killed etc but it was HOT out there! :sick

Still some bare patches but definitely getting there!

View attachment 1267512

View attachment 1267513

While we were in town, I popped in to a Farm Store that sells some fish; not many or anything special but I picked up a pair of Platies for the pond and I think the girl is already pregnant :clap
Platies are almost always pregnant unless they just delivered!
Good Afternoon Friends :hugs

As I type it is bright sunshine with thunder in the distance but this storm is probably going to miss us:

View attachment 1267511

Hopefully we will get one later. Got the lawns mowed, weeds killed etc but it was HOT out there! :sick

Still some bare patches but definitely getting there!

View attachment 1267512

View attachment 1267513

While we were in town, I popped in to a Farm Store that sells some fish; not many or anything special but I picked up a pair of Platies for the pond and I think the girl is already pregnant :clap
Looks great!
Good Morning Y'all :D......The Wellies slept in the "big Coop" last night :woot.

I was really nervous when we dismantled and removed the small coop - only one pullet noticed ( Debby of course ) until sundown....they had to be coached to go into their new home...One did follow my commands to come and go up the ramp all by herself :clap... I had to pick up each of the other 3 to place them inside...but thank goodness no real issues once they mounted the roosts.:bun. So, a peaceful night for all of us.

She actually likes Liberty but she hates the shortened version of Libby haha

I like the name Libby, much better than Bertie ;)

Castor may have vestibular disease

Oh my - I had a 30 minute spell of vertigo once, it's miserable. Wishing he just has an ear infection that could be cured, or only a short term viral Labyrinthitis.

Your garden and yard are fabulous, your hard work has paid off.

Had to google the "Platies" - aren't they a little small for the pond? I had visualized larger fish for that. But I'm pond ignorant :)

Music was loud so it was hard to hear.

I hate loud music in restaurants or in stores:duc I grew up with a tv set always on even when no one watched it :he...and prefer quiet or the sounds of nature and of course poultry :D

Teila, love your yard. Just know I can't handle hot weather. Anything above mid 70's is too hot for me. I get so sluggish I can barely walk. When things cool down or there is a strong , cool breeze I feel energized.:woot

Interesting, I much prefer 75-80 , but admit that the first cool waves of Sept or Oct are refreshing.

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