The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

@bruceha2000, actually I don't have a waterproof tent. :lau they ended up stashing us in a leaky cabin, so we're navigating through a one room cabin with a pond on the floor. Lol

That sounds like just about every camping trip I went on :rolleyes: After one especially nerve wracking one that involved a tornado, I gave up on camping.
Good morning all

@Teila :hugs I know how tough it can be. I learned a few years ago that personal happiness is far more important than money. As tough as it is financially, your mental health is far more important.

I had other people to respond to, but I forget now.... oops. Sorry.

Got the rest of our stuff out of the house in the city. Promptly got the truck and trailer stuck in mud right at our gate. Going to be spending the day loading everything into a tractor bucket and moving it to our storage trailer. Sigh. I need to get this house finished so that I can list it! The market in the city is really started to heat up.

As far as the house move goes... bank lost some of the paperwork. I'm just getting a secured line of credit against my investments. It's not like the money isn't there! We went in on Thursday to sign everything... then we were told that we have to wait for manager approval. Argh. Maybe it would have been easier to just sell some of the investments.

Foundation guy is amazing. He started working on everything the first day, right after I called him. We haven't even signed a contract or paid him anything yet. Surveyors were here on Thursday. Their drawings will be ready today, as will the engineer's. He's going to the house tomorrow with an electrician to figure out rewiring etc. He's doing so much work for us it's incredible.
Money is weird! It is yours but it isn't until you get it out of the investments and then there are fees....

It is great that you found a good contractor for the foundation. It will help a lot to have that finished well. The rest will follow and hopefully you will be in the new place soon
That is very sad given your skill set and work history.

Is there a retirement "level" at 20 years of service you lose if you quit earlier? If so, I say suck it up, bad as it is, for another 2 years. :hugs

Sure hope you have a very waterproof tent!

Sadly there are so many barns that need WAY more money to fix than people have to spend.

I guess you haven't been stuck in an airport for any length of time. There isn't much to like.

Gee, novel concept, doing what you are paid to do.

I have actually. Twice. And you are right, there is nothing fun about it! But for some reason I was thinking that you meant you didn't like Chicago.

And right!? It kind of surprised me seeing that. Like... to people actually think that way!?

It's no wonder so many older people call millennials lazy.... and then they're the first ones to be like oh we're bot, we're so hardworking and you screwed it up, blah blah, and I mean, that is true to a point and there are hardworking ones, but when you're implying work is for sitting on your phone or joking/goofing around with friends the whole time... no wonder people think that. They only see those types of posts.

But that said, maybe millennials are different from the younger kids? Cause older people, like 20s and 30s, I think are still mostly pretty hardworking or have common sense or whatever, but a lot of these really younger ones born 2000 or later, I think are even worse. And much more technology addicted and/or all about internet fame and going viral, etc. Cause at least with myself and older ones, we still grew up mostly without the internet and without phones, or like, they were kind of just starting to be used and it was still expensive and you still couldn't connect to strangers as fast (social media).

And slight detour about the airport:

One time we were laid over in Atlanta and another time in Jersey. So I guess that's 3 times. Atlanta I think was like 4 hours? I don't think NJ was that long but idk. But I was little so I don't think I minded it as much.

But the real one and worst experience I had was when I got stuck at the Buffalo airport all day.

My uncle had dropped me off around like 3 as he had to work so I was there early anyway because my flight wasn't for a little while. Anyway, then they had to deice the plane and then something was wrong with it. They had to fix it but kept extending the time. Like "it's almost ready" "actually it's not" i was there literally until like 10pm or maybe midnight. I think I finally boarded between like 10 and 11pm. It's only like an hour or hour and a half flight though thankfully but then we had to drive an hour home. And this was around Christmas time too. I was coming home from school. I was so glad I didn't have to sleep there though. I really thought I was going to have to. I think I might have shared this story before though? In much more (unnecessary) detail haha.

So yeah.

That sucked.

Good morning all

@Teila :hugs I know how tough it can be. I learned a few years ago that personal happiness is far more important than money. As tough as it is financially, your mental health is far more important.

I had other people to respond to, but I forget now.... oops. Sorry.

Got the rest of our stuff out of the house in the city. Promptly got the truck and trailer stuck in mud right at our gate. Going to be spending the day loading everything into a tractor bucket and moving it to our storage trailer. Sigh. I need to get this house finished so that I can list it! The market in the city is really started to heat up.

As far as the house move goes... bank lost some of the paperwork. I'm just getting a secured line of credit against my investments. It's not like the money isn't there! We went in on Thursday to sign everything... then we were told that we have to wait for manager approval. Argh. Maybe it would have been easier to just sell some of the investments.

Foundation guy is amazing. He started working on everything the first day, right after I called him. We haven't even signed a contract or paid him anything yet. Surveyors were here on Thursday. Their drawings will be ready today, as will the engineer's. He's going to the house tomorrow with an electrician to figure out rewiring etc. He's doing so much work for us it's incredible.

That's awesome you found such a good guy! I hope the rest of the stuff works out soon.

@bruceha2000, actually I don't have a waterproof tent. :lau they ended up stashing us in a leaky cabin, so we're navigating through a one room cabin with a pond on the floor. Lol

That sounds like just about every camping trip I went on :rolleyes: After one especially nerve wracking one that involved a tornado, I gave up on camping.

lol, yeah, this had been a fun trip, but it's ending on a slightly stale note. :lol: I do normally love camping though.

I love camping! We used to go all the time but haven't in forever.

One time though I went to this Audobon camp and we went canoeing and camped on this island thing in the middle of a split in the river. Anyway, it started thundering and lightning so we had to go inside our tents and sit on life jackets. Some people didn't take it very seriously but I stayed on it even after it was "over". I was terrified lol

And also before we got to that spot I think we had to pull over at this other spot like a field, idk. Cause it was thundering and they require you to get off the water for a while

I’m about to find out how much more snow the Big Horns got. Up and over to Sheridan today.

Stay dry, everyone!

Stay safe!

I'm going to be taking a hiatus from BYC. Goodbye :frow

Aw no

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