The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

When I was in Girl Guides, the troop went camping for the weekend. We were short one tent, so my group had to wait for one to arrive. We ended up pitching it in the dark....
That night there was a really violent thunderstorm. Did Michelle wake up? Nooo. Then the tent fell down. Did Michelle wake up? Nooo. Tent mates started shaking and yelling at Michelle. Did she wake up? Nooo. Tent mates had to go out in the pouring rain and repitch the tent with me sleeping in it. I couldn't understand why nobody was speaking to me the next day.

Did I mention that I'm a very sound sleeper?


One time when we went on a trip with Venture Scouts, we stayed in these cabins and my friend started screaming (she gets night terrors/screams) and everyone else woke up except me. I finally woke up lile 10 minutes later. And I guess she sat on my other friend ahaha then they made me go to the bath house with her and she was still sleepwalking until like halfway down the hill. It was Adventure Bound so on like a complex/field, not real camping, so a short walk down the hill to the bathrooms. She was kind of startled when she woke up.

Anyway, nobody could believe that I was still asleep. They all thought I was lying lol no way I could have slept through that. Well, I did.

Also on that trip, we listened to Dancing Queen for the entire 5 hour ride up there because my friends were trying to get me to sing and I was really shy/quiet then (still am but even more so then) and wouldn't. I did a little eventually but apparently it wasn't good enough or loud enough so yeah... we listened to it the whole ride. We still laugh about that and I still feel bad for making them listen to it that long hahaha

But then again, I also don't really like that song. Put on a GOOD song and I would've sang! :p

But then again maybe not cause I don't sing in front of people.


At least they discovered that you were still alive in the morning.


That is a very deep sleep! Are you still like that or do you wake up now when you are in danger

I hope so!

I wish I could sleep even half that soundly. I wake up if I hear a fly fart in the next room. <sigh>

Flies fart!? :p

But in all seriousness, I'm sorry Blooie! :hugs

I've gotta say, I've been pretty lucky in my life to not get caught up in too many storms when camping. For several years of my life we've had a pop up camper, so we never got wet in there. But, one and a half years ago, we did get caught up in a storm while camping, and our tent was not waterproof. There were puddles in every corner of that tent, and my three siblings and I all were trying to share the same 4 square footage of dryness. It was miserable.

That is a HILARIOUS story. Apparently last night it rained so hard on the cabin it sounded like hail. When I woke up this morning and saw the pond on the ground, I said, "Did it rain last night?" And they all busted out laughing that I hadn't woken up.

Sounds miserable! I went camping one time with my somewhat non camping friend and the campsite was kind of downhill I think and it rained and my friend was complaining/miserable that the tent was wet. My mom was being kind of mean and kept telling her to be quiet and go back to sleep lol i think we did get extra blankets or pads though but she had a point, there was nothing we could do and my mom wanted to sleep lol she gets kind of anxious sometimes aha plus my friend is used to campers/trailers/rvs not tents aha

But ya.

It was pretty wet lol

One time when we went on a trip with Venture Scouts, we stayed in these cabins and my friend started screaming (she gets night terrors/screams) and everyone else woke up except me. I finally woke up lile 10 minutes later. And I guess she sat on my other friend ahaha then they made me go to the bath house with her and she was still sleepwalking until like halfway down the hill. It was Adventure Bound so on like a complex/field, not real camping, so a short walk down the hill to the bathrooms. She was kind of startled when she woke up.

Anyway, nobody could believe that I was still asleep. They all thought I was lying lol no way I could have slept through that. Well, I did.

Also on that trip, we listened to Dancing Queen for the entire 5 hour ride up there because my friends were trying to get me to sing and I was really shy/quiet then (still am but even more so then) and wouldn't. I did a little eventually but apparently it wasn't good enough or loud enough so yeah... we listened to it the whole ride. We still laugh about that and I still feel bad for making them listen to it that long hahaha

But then again, I also don't really like that song. Put on a GOOD song and I would've sang! :p

But then again maybe not cause I don't sing in front of people.


I hope so!

Flies fart!? :p

But in all seriousness, I'm sorry Blooie! :hugs

Sounds miserable! I went camping one time with my somewhat non camping friend and the campsite was kind of downhill I think and it rained and my friend was complaining/miserable that the tent was wet. My mom was being kind of mean and kept telling her to be quiet and go back to sleep lol i think we did get extra blankets or pads though but she had a point, there was nothing we could do and my mom wanted to sleep lol she gets kind of anxious sometimes aha plus my friend is used to campers/trailers/rvs not tents aha

But ya.

It was pretty wet lol
Yeah, I much prefer camping when it's not like swimming and trying to sleep at the same time. :lau

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