The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Kelsey I have a colleague at work who has Aspergers. He is highly intelligent, remarkably honest and unbelievably thorough in some areas but totally the opposite in other areas and his ability to prioritise, be on time or stay on track is woeful :rolleyes:

I am not saying that you have Aspergers but moreso sharing something his therapist tasked him to do which has helped heaps; he now ‘lives by a time book’.

Meaning, at the start of each day he maps out half hour or hourly blocks of what he needs or wants to do and must not stray from those.

So, putting what he now uses into your scenario, this is an example of what you could do:

7AM to 8AM: Feed, water, tend to animals

8AM to 9AM: BYC

9AM to 10AM: Educational

10AM to 10:30AM: Free time

10:30AM to 11:30AM: Educational

11:30AM to 12:00 Midday: BYC

Not the best but you should get the gist .. wake up, plan what you need to do for the day, put it in writing in time blocks and do not stray. If you have one hour set aside for education; no phone, no BYC, no distractions unless urgent or life threatening.

Then, when it is your BYC time, no guilt as you are not procrastinating but more sticking to your schedule which will hopefully help with no leaving everything to the last minute and causing stress which leads to not wanting to do it at all.

The hardest part of this plan is working out what you need to do that day and splitting that into time blocks; once you have done that, with it right next to you reminding you, it should be easy to stick to and help you to achieve your goals for that day.

What my colleague did was actually share it with us so that if we saw he had strayed, which he does without really noticing, we were able to help him back on track.
Brilliant idea
Kelsey I have a colleague at work who has Aspergers. He is highly intelligent, remarkably honest and unbelievably thorough in some areas but totally the opposite in other areas and his ability to prioritise, be on time or stay on track is woeful :rolleyes:

I am not saying that you have Aspergers but moreso sharing something his therapist tasked him to do which has helped heaps; he now ‘lives by a time book’.

Meaning, at the start of each day he maps out half hour or hourly blocks of what he needs or wants to do and must not stray from those.

So, putting what he now uses into your scenario, this is an example of what you could do:

7AM to 8AM: Feed, water, tend to animals

8AM to 9AM: BYC

9AM to 10AM: Educational

10AM to 10:30AM: Free time

10:30AM to 11:30AM: Educational

11:30AM to 12:00 Midday: BYC

Not the best but you should get the gist .. wake up, plan what you need to do for the day, put it in writing in time blocks and do not stray. If you have one hour set aside for education; no phone, no BYC, no distractions unless urgent or life threatening.

Then, when it is your BYC time, no guilt as you are not procrastinating but more sticking to your schedule which will hopefully help with no leaving everything to the last minute and causing stress which leads to not wanting to do it at all.

The hardest part of this plan is working out what you need to do that day and splitting that into time blocks; once you have done that, with it right next to you reminding you, it should be easy to stick to and help you to achieve your goals for that day.

What my colleague did was actually share it with us so that if we saw he had strayed, which he does without really noticing, we were able to help him back on track.

Thanks, that's a really good idea! And oddly I've actually thought I might possibly have Asperger's or something but I also think I have a million other things ha

Anyway, that is definitely a good idea and I've seen somewhat similar things suggested, like in the first year seminar class one of the sections was time management, and I believe it mentioned scheduling, and it seems like most articles or time things do, although I've never seen it quite like you have it. That's better than others.

But here's the thing...

I hate schedules and lists :/

Now, maybe if I actually made them and started following them I would feel better about them or even like them, and if it helps me to not fail or to get better grades or not waste the whole day or whatever, I think I might try it, but idk, I've just never really been a list or schedule person and I feel weird or annoying using them. Not that people that make schedules are weird or annoying haha I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right but basically it feels like more tight/strict people use them or something and I'm not really like that/more go with the flow/don't like planning my day. But maybe I need to start.... cause what I'm doing is definitely not working haha

But what if something fun comes along? And then my whole day is already planned...

Which is why I don't like plans.

But as I am typing this, I realize it all sounds very very stupid and I need to get over it and just try it.

Although that said, I also never seem to follow schedules even when I have made them. For example, I've told myself I'm only gonna check BYC for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc. but then it turns into hours or I go on YouTube or something else and I've lost time. Or I say, in my head, I want to study from 3 till whenever but then I don't. But maybe if I wrote it down and saw it visually it might help me stick to it instead of just having it in my head?

Or maybe I could set an alarm or something so I am actually aware of just how much time has passed? Cause sometimes I'm not even aware till it's happened.

I think maybe I should try the schedule thing.

Although I also like to sometimes wander around in Walmart, Petco, etc. and go to both in one day or go Subway, etc. and I can be gone 2 or 3 hours at a time and I don't really plan it but just sort of go wander around/where I feel like it and have fun. Or I go drive off and don't even know where I'm going till I get there haha

But I suppose that's not really necessarily good... Maybe I shouldn't waste 3 hours doing nothing or buying junk I don't need and should schedule something fun or school related instead... Or I could schedule in the nothing time?

I also have this really bad habit of sitting in my car before and after going in stores and I can sit there anywhere from 15 minutes or 30 minutes to an hour on really bad days but usually only like 15 mins before, longer after. I sit on my phone and/or listen to music. It's bad... and this is why it takes me 3 hours. I don't even spend that long in the stores. I just sit in my car. I don't like that cause it feels like I'm wasting my life.... and gas. haha

I suppose I should do something better with my time...

Also, one minor adjustment to that schedule.... DEFINITELY don't wake up at 7am.... :lau more like 11 or noon :oops:

Although, with my classes, on Mondays and Wednesdays, I had a 9am class so had to get up at 8, and Tuesdays and Thursdays I had a 12pm class so I've been going to sleep and getting up a lot earlier lately and usually get tired earlier now haha

But before that, it'd be up till 1, 2, 3 or later and sleep till noon or sometimes later if I stayed up later like say 4, 5, or 6. But I haven't stayed up that late in forever.

Anyway, sorry, don't mean to bash the idea at all, it is a brilliant idea, and I think I need a serious shock to my current lifestyle and that may be just the thing...

Brilliant idea

I agree.
Got my Mother's Day present from DS! He does such nice watercolors :love

View attachment 1387799

He said if I didn't like it, he would take it back. Mm, don't think that's going to happen.
Very nice!
Thank you LB! Here are a couple other's he has painted for me in the past...

He made this one from a photo in a chicken book
View attachment 1387842

One of my cats (Bam Bam)
View attachment 1387844
Those are! Love the Bam Bam picture!
View attachment 1387878 View attachment 1387879 Ok, as promised. Here are my Furarians I make. :) They're made with fur and feathers.
Very talented also, very cute!
Good morning, Debby! I suppose since I'm going to have a friend in there with me I should not eat this sausage and eggs this morning. I wouldn't want to o-ffend if I get gas so I need to be on my best behavior. Worth it to have you there with me.

It's just a scan to check for nodules. I've been a smoker for 54 years, so that's bound to have an adverse affect somewhere along the line. They told me it's just to check for any nodules I may have, see if any of them need attention, and establish a baseline to compare with every year. We already know I have COPD. But my information packet arrived yesterday and in it were a couple of pamphlets about lung cancer treatment options. You know how suddenly things in your head go, "Whoa, they never said anything about that...." and you start imagining the worst the longer the night goes on? Yeah, like that! Glad they didn't send the packet two weeks ago or I'd be a basket case by now! Nothing like chewing on that thought for days on end. :lau
Eat whatever you want for breakfast B, I'll just bring a clothes pin for my nose!:lol: Or you could share with me, sausage & eggs sounds good.

When you're all done, come back and let us know how it went. However it comes out, you have us here for you :hugs
But what if something fun comes along? And then my whole day is already planned...
You are too young to be retired ;) Adults have to do the things that need to be done when they need to be done. "Fun" comes second. There are occasions when your schedule can and should be rearranged and the "must do" things still get done. DD2 is a horrendous procrastinator, always has been. She managed to graduate college in 4 years, just missed getting honors though she could and should have. I'm willing to bet she did as you have been doing since it has been her MO since grade school. The more time she has to do something (and those are usually long term projects BECAUSE they require a fair amount of time to do properly) the longer she waits to start.

Here is a suggestion - surgically remove that phone. Only turn it on when you are out and someone might need to contact you. Turn it off when you get home, people can call you on the house phone. Or if your phone is the only way people contact you, turn it off at 9 PM and stick it in a drawer you can't reach from the bed. There is pretty much nothing you need to know about overnight that can't wait until morning. Some people have gotten into the habit of instant gratification, if they send you a text you HAVE to respond IMMEDIATELY. Well too bad, maybe they can get control of their own life if that doesn't happen.

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