The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Was going to have ice cream as it's quite hot here but decided on frozen fruit* with whipped cream instead. :)

*Defrosted, of course.
Did you know that drinking hot beverages on a hot day is better for you? Not as much of a shock to your system, and it'll warm up your core a bit so that you don't feel the heat quite as much.
What a cutie! Good luck with the rest of the hatch!

Shoot, I thought that was going to show the monster tree coming down. Scary to see how close it is to everything, please be careful! Your yard is going to look fantastic with it out of the way.

People that can cheerfully face each day with such challenges are my heroes. :love

Looking forward to seeing the baby doves J, never seen them before!

Congrats on all the babies Cap :thumbsup
I will attempt a video when that happens but don’t know when. Scares the heck out of me!! It is very close to everything. No chickens, cats or dog out roaming that day.

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