The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

i have to go get the root canal in the morning then go across the street and have the hole hes going to drill filled, going to be a long day and i hate dentist work, not the dentist, but i don't like having the shot, i tend to tighten up as he works and have to keep telling myself relax, probably won't sleep worth a flitter tonight but i better go try to sleep since we have to leave early to get thru the heavy traffic to get there in time
so good night y'all
Goodnight Sharron!
My chickens are way tougher than I am :lol: They're spending more time in the coop than normal and don't like walking on the snow, but other than that they look great. Finally finished molting, good appetites, etc.
LOL! :lol:
Ah I see :D Well I'm glad they're doing well!
My flock wouldn't be able to handle being in the coop more often if we had snow. I'm sure they'd be complaining and be very upset because they won't to be able to graze.:gig
Hubby just fixed my stove:celebrate
It was the element and he also replaced a burned out burner. That was a humnucker. Being without a stove is almost as bad as being without a washing machine.

Yay, glad your stove is fixed now DMC! Ahhh, a humnucker....ufda! :lol:

Hello everyone - thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes!

Life has been busy here. Our new real estate agent is super organised (and super lovely) so she gave us some homework to do to jazz up the front of the house with plants (mostly borrowed from my parents). It looks great but was a bit of work to get done quick as she had a family who wanted to view our house. Ours is the 4th in the area that she's shown them (they've been looking for ages) and they came back for a second viewing (which never happened with any of the other places she's shown them). So I spent my birthday cleaning and tidying so they could come round yesterday evening (they spent 45 minutes here) then I had to race around and make it all look like home and gardens again this morning as they were coming at 11am. My feet are sore and I'm thankful that this afternoon I can sit and put the poor things up. Phew!

Now I shall endeavour to catch up on everybody's news.

Your new agent sounds terrific Jae, let's hope things move faster now!

nope, we had the city out over a week ago to fix the problem, they came out while we were gone, unloaded a truck load of sand, grated it out on our side, we knew it wouldn't work but try telling a crew that doesn't want to really do any work , anyway still have the same problem but now with all the sand running down the yard.
we might have to try getting the commissioner out here to see for himself or herself before we get anything done right:idunno

We had a similar situation when we had our place in north FL Sharron. All the roads out our way were sand and when those torrential FL storms would roll through, look out cause that sand would be rolling right off the road and into the yard. Hope you can get something done about it!

X2, when I worked with the state, the city engineer of Seguin tried to bribe me not to file a violation report. It was after the flood in 98' and the city was burning the debris from the flood on private company owned property. They eventually got nailed after filing the violations but not before the smoke and fog cause a serious accident on IH 10 ...then they really paid for their misjudgment. ;)
ETA - funny thing, there were other city personnel and vehicles (fire truck) involved in the accident....they shouldn't have been were they were when the accident occurred....because they stopped too long at a donut house. Had they not stopped they wouldn't have been in involved. But I guess they had instant 1st responders. :lau I had to go to court and testify and I had to say I saw them at the donut house.

Seriously, a doughnut house?! :lau

i have to go get the root canal in the morning then go across the street and have the hole hes going to drill filled, going to be a long day and i hate dentist work, not the dentist, but i don't like having the shot, i tend to tighten up as he works and have to keep telling myself relax, probably won't sleep worth a flitter tonight but i better go try to sleep since we have to leave early to get thru the heavy traffic to get there in time
so good night y'all

Hope your dental work goes well today!
sharron, I'll go have the dental work for you - you just have to pay the bill.

Sometimes I almost fall asleep in the chair- they think I died or something. I really should play along and all of a sudden bolt upright with wild eyes. Maybe even speak in tongues.
if the pain would stop, that would work for me, its to bad that we couldn't do it that way

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