The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Crazy weather today.

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Oh and I found the Thera tear drops and they seem to help a bit but I have not tried the gel ones yet and my eyes are still irritated today despite putting the liquid ones in twice already and taking this this morning (I didn’t pay that much though, only paid like $12 at Walmart, although this is for 2, I got one).

I assume the vitamin takes a long time to work though and is not instantaneous. Wish it were though. About choked with each one lol

Anyway, my eyes are slightly less irritated than they have been so that is a start. I will keep at it and maybe try the gel ones.

That said, I have decided that I think at least part of my issue is also that I keep feeling like I have an eyelash or something in my eye but then I check and I don’t. Only on one eye on one side of it. Very annoying. Maybe there is something in there I can’t see? Or a bump under my eyelid or something making me feel that way? The eyelashes on that side are also very hard/sharp. I think I may make an appointment with an eye doctor or something just to get it checked out because it’s very annoying. I am probably just being a hypochondriac but it’s extremely irritating and I can’t get the feeling to go away. Plus I have not had my eyes checked out in a very long time anyway.
And buying the vitamin one was probably a waste of money but I was desperate to try anything lol plus that stuff is probably good for other stuff anyway, like my joints or brain, so not a total loss. Hoping something works though.
Morning Sean! DMC, as well as that big old Linton worked I always found a place for it! ;)

I love to cook and I’m darn good at it. I hate hate hate to bake. Been watching the Kids’ Baking Championship for a few years now. This morning after 3 hours and 10 minutes of sleep, I got a wild hair and thought, “I could do that!”

Move over, kiddies, Blooie’s got this! BooYah! Nailed it!

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You go girl! Looks yummy
Um, @Blooie, what is that stuff on the cake??? Looks kinda like chocolate. But I know that can't be since you would rather eat dirt than chocolate.

Hey, I just baked it....what the fam does with it from this point on is entirely up to them. I would rather eat dirt than chocolate - I kept wet paper towels handy do I didn’t accidentally lick the frosting off my fingers! :sick

You go girl! Looks yummy

Time will tell! You all must be looking at a different cake than the one I baked. One side of one layer measured an astonishing 3/4 of an inch, short. The top layer keeps sliding off the bottom. There’s a cave in there too! :lau
Hey, I just baked it....what the fam does with it from this point on is entirely up to them. I would rather eat dirt than chocolate - I kept wet paper towels handy do I didn’t accidentally lick the frosting off my fingers! :sick

Time will tell! You all must be looking at a different cake than the one I baked. One side of one layer measured an astonishing 3/4 of an inch, short. The top layer keeps sliding off the bottom. There’s a cave in there too! :lau
Just add a little more frosting:lol:

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