The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

What do you do with the beet tops Sharron? Do they go in the pickled beets?
no, i cook them like spinach and husband puts his into a little bowl and adds sliced boiled egg and vinegar, i eat mine just plain like spinach, they're quite tasty, thats the way mil make them, she went thru the depression and wasted nothing, took me awhile to learn to eat beets, never had them at home growing up and to me they tasted like dirt smells, but i learned to eat northern:lol:
Morning everyone!

Sharron you're making me tired just reading what your up to, this early in the morning! :lol:
:frowmornng sean
i couldn't do what you do either, stand on my feet all day and i have to do everything early cause by afternoon i'm so tired that i can't, besides i love playing with the animals and in the garden and i love to cook for us
of the two pigs of husbands, i like the little boar best altho the little sow is nice too , chocolate chip is my favorite, wonder why :), the little sow is called marshmellow, they were named when we got them so i call them cc and mm.
wanted to show a couple of pictures of my lilies, most of them have bloomed and died but these just started blooming, do y'all see the butterfly?thats why i put the caterpillars back on my carrot fronds last year
:hugsahh blooie,i feel for you
when i get mad, i cry, that makes me madder and i cry harder so husband has learned thru the years when i'm hurt or when i'm mad and believe me he doesn't like to see me hurt and when he does, watch out, my easy going man turns nasty with whom ever hurts me, so i admire ken
forgot to say, i'm going to try to get seeds from these flowers, i will send anyone seeds if you want to try some, for a sase

And I’ll take them!! Do I need to do anything with them? I know apple seeds do better kept in the refrigerator in sand over the winter, mimicking winter and hardening them off...morning glory seeds should be nicked with a sharp knife and then soaked before any tricks to these or just stick ‘em in dirt?

no, i cook them like spinach and husband puts his into a little bowl and adds sliced boiled egg and vinegar, i eat mine just plain like spinach, they're quite tasty, thats the way mil make them, she went thru the depression and wasted nothing, took me awhile to learn to eat beets, never had them at home growing up and to me they tasted like dirt smells, but i learned to eat northern:lol:

I love beets and beet tops! But I don’t like pickled beets! Ma had one clear glass bowl in her hodge podge collection. She’d cook up the beets, then mash them with her little hand mixer, lots of butter, salt and pepper, just like mashed potatoes. She’d put them in her glass bowl, mounded up in the center like a mountain, push an indentation in the top with the back of a spoon, and put a pat of butter in the indentation. By the time that bowl of red yumminess made it to the table the butter was trickling down the sides of the mound and the beets shimmered in the bowl! It was too pretty to eat, but boy, did we dig in!! Even the babies got beets and loved them, but their diapers ended up looking a lot like their bibs! Beet tops I like to wash well, slightly crush, and then eat with sliced cucumbers and blue cheese dressing or just mix them in a big chef’s salad. Ken also loves beets, but not the tops, so he picks them out as he gets to them.

Tam’s coming over this morning to help me paint the last of the Blue Slippers for my table decorations. I was three tables short, so I need 6 more slippers. Yesterday after the meeting Ken and I headed over to the Chamber of Commerce in Sheridan and asked about visitor’s brochures and such for our welcome bags. Surprise!! They had better bags than the ones we ordered, colored fabric with fabric handles that won’t tear like the paper ones we bought, and said that pre-filling 150 of them with brochures of the area, maps, shopping guides and emergency numbers was no problem - and free!! So all we have to do is add the two bottles of water and the snacks to each one and we’re golden.

The office was downtown, and as we walked back to our car we passed a store that had medical stuff in the windows - crutches, commodes, etc - so on a whim we stopped in. I was looking for a smaller, lighter weight walker for me. We ended up buying Kendra a junior walker with wheels on the back and skis on the front for $31.00! It folds flat - her current one the school got her doesn’t! She’ll have to learn to use it “backwards”. Right now the wheels are on the front and the tennis balls are on the back. She uses it posteriorly and she has to do a pull/lift slightly motion. This one is strictly anterior and can’t be changed, so she’ll have to learn to walk with it by pushing it. But she’s smart, she’ll get it! Right now she and Katie are up near Red Lodge, Montana at the Charles Campbell Children’s Camp for the week. It’s Katie’s 4th or 5th year - she’s practically a Junior Counselor now - and Kendra’s second. Evan is still back in South Dakota with his dad. So we are childless here!

Next year’s cruise is booked and I’m so ready.....

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