The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Afternoon everyone! :frow

Hope everyone is doing well this Saturday!
:frow Good evening Sean, hope you've had a great day.

Well, the job that was supposed to be an hour or so, has turned into something much grander. I thought the top boards on my planter shelves were rotten. Turns out the underlying structure was. So here's country engineering at its finest to get me through this growing season. I'll likely do a complete redesign and rebuild next year. Yes I need to get more 1/2 PVC, but I have it laying around here somewhere. Thankfully, the 2x6's that hold the pipes are not structural. Hoping they hold the pipes throughout the growing season.
thanks im, i think i am,:lol: i know i got a few things done i had been wanting to do, like make another mask and some keto bread , well hamburger buns for me, husband just eats rye bread when he has it
Sounds like a good day Sharron. I need to feed my sourdough before the day is over but we've been making masks today too. Daughter goes back to work and hubs too after they were in quarantine because my husband was exposed to the virus. Nothing like waiting until the last minute :lol:
:frow Good evening Sean, hope you've had a great day.

Well, the job that was supposed to be an hour or so, has turned into something much grander. I thought the top boards on my planter shelves were rotten. Turns out the underlying structure was. So here's country engineering at its finest to get me through this growing season. I'll likely do a complete redesign and rebuild next year. Yes I need to get more 1/2 PVC, but I have it laying around here somewhere. Thankfully, the 2x6's that hold the pipes are not structural. Hoping they hold the pipes throughout the growing season.
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That's quite a setup you have there! Love it.
Sounds like a good day Sharron. I need to feed my sourdough before the day is over but we've been making masks today too. Daughter goes back to work and hubs too after they were in quarantine because my husband was exposed to the virus. Nothing like waiting until the last minute :lol:
i use a bread machine for husbands rye bread, i don't usually eat bread much anymore so i can make his in the machine and be doing something else. i made this keto rolls today, most of them i don't care for so every time a new recipe comes along i have to try it in the hopes i can find one i like, this one isn't bad, even husband likes it so guess its a keeper. then made a mask that fits a little bit better than just the no sew kind, plus i had trouble breathing with it, so tightly weaved that my breath overheated me. this one is light weight
will be so glad when i can start planting the garden
:frow Good evening Sean, hope you've had a great day.

Well, the job that was supposed to be an hour or so, has turned into something much grander. I thought the top boards on my planter shelves were rotten. Turns out the underlying structure was. So here's country engineering at its finest to get me through this growing season. I'll likely do a complete redesign and rebuild next year. Yes I need to get more 1/2 PVC, but I have it laying around here somewhere. Thankfully, the 2x6's that hold the pipes are not structural. Hoping they hold the pipes throughout the growing season.
View attachment 2085243View attachment 2085244
Thanks Bob, been a dreary day here...spitting rain, cloudy but warm.
Looks like 'good ol' Aggie ingenuity'! :thumbsup

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