The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning folks :frow
morning rj:frow
Hi Bob!
morning dmc:frow
Good morning, Grammy! We were supposed to get rain yesterday but it missed us! Hope you get some good weather too!
morning cap:frow
thanks for the rain, sure made my seeds pop
Good morning everyone 😊 Have a great Saturday
morning sue:frow

Good morning Cappy :frow Those are some pretty cats 😍how do they really react to a bath 🤔 Whenever I had to give the cat a bath-it was never fun😱 lucky for me no claws on that one.
A belated good morning everyone. On early to welcome New Members and then to the dentist. NJ is opening up dentist offices on Monday, a my Dr called and asked if I wanted to come in as an 'emergency' patient to get the new teeth I've been waiting on since since March 13. It was worth the wait. I am very happy with the new look - they look natural, and finally I can eat corn on the cob again.
Yum! Glad you're happy with the results Sour.
morning everyone:frow
happy to have gotten rain last night, made everything i planted the other day come up, happy about that, but still waiting on the lettuce, for some reason having trouble with the lettuce this year
about a week ago, came over to the house and while standing on the porch i put my hands in my pocket and found a hand full of seed, didn't remember what packet i had put in my pocket so just threw them a planter by the steps. they came up and this morning i tasted a leaf, pretty sure they're rape(canola) a milder form of collards, nice to be able to step out the front door and pick:lau:lau

anyone seen sean lately?
Yum! Glad you're happy with the results Sour.
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
morning everyone:frow
happy to have gotten rain last night, made everything i planted the other day come up, happy about that, but still waiting on the lettuce, for some reason having trouble with the lettuce this year
about a week ago, came over to the house and while standing on the porch i put my hands in my pocket and found a hand full of seed, didn't remember what packet i had put in my pocket so just threw them a planter by the steps. they came up and this morning i tasted a leaf, pretty sure they're rape(canola) a milder form of collards, nice to be able to step out the front door and pick:lau:lau

anyone seen sean lately?
:frowGood morning Sharron, have a great day
Yum! Glad you're happy with the results Sour.
Good morning IM :frow Have a great Saturday

morning everyone:frow
happy to have gotten rain last night, made everything i planted the other day come up, happy about that, but still waiting on the lettuce, for some reason having trouble with the lettuce this year
about a week ago, came over to the house and while standing on the porch i put my hands in my pocket and found a hand full of seed, didn't remember what packet i had put in my pocket so just threw them a planter by the steps. they came up and this morning i tasted a leaf, pretty sure they're rape(canola) a milder form of collards, nice to be able to step out the front door and pick:lau:lau

anyone seen sean lately?
Good morning Sharron :frow

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