The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I find it to be a real pain. Have an air gun for rats that like my barn. got one in my sights the other day but no pressure. It's been months since they've been in the barn, but cold weather I suspect drive them in. All of my tool drawers are now nests. ARG:he
They come in every fall around here. For rats we use poison. It's the only thing that works. They are wicked smart here, they have to be to survive our winters.
I used to make cream cheese & grape jelly sandwiches - learned that from a friend. Not bad really.

I love those! But prefer strawberry jelly.

Good Morning and Happy New Year to Everyone!

I missed midnight, the neighbors who used to wake me up with fireworks moved this past fall :lau, so all we heard were early evening very distant firecrackers.

Here's to a better 2018 :caf.

:frow Almost everyone on BYC meets your description :D.

The best chili I ever had was made with deer/venison ( which I don't eat) it took me days to get my friend to tell me it was deer and not the bell pepper that made it so, so good.:lau.

I would not want to try to skin or eat a squirrel, but would love to trap and ship some of ours to whoever wants them ;).

X2 - 2018 has to be better :hugs.

Are you a vegetarian? Or just don't like deer?

Everyone seems to think the grid going down is unlikely. But guess what? Those transformers we rely on are not made in the US. We do not have a big stockpile of them. If there was a bad storm or solar flare, many of them would be knocked out. It could take a long time to replace them. I don't even know where they are going to get the ones California is going to need to rebuild after those fires.
Sorry to carry on, but so many people are dependent on electric and food in the stores. They assume it will always be there. But maybe not. Food for thought.

Yeah, I guess that's true, and I actually saw this show once about the infrastructure in America and how it's very old and failing, especially compared to a lot of countries. And it's dangerous, like with sagging power lines in some places, etc. Etc. And it wouldn't take much to knock it. Like with the several statewide outage/blackout years and years ago. I don't remember it, maybe it was before me, but it was in the show. And also talked about trains. Our trains are incredibly slow and failing/behind compared to the super high speed ones they have in Japan and Europe and other countries. It was interesting and yeah, slightly scary, but idk, I prefer to live in the moment. Maybe that's stupid but idk. Of course, I don't exactly 100% live in the moment anyway, anxiety tends to cause me to worry/overthink/replay a lot about both the past and the future but hopefully you still get what I meant. Like I wanna focus on finishing school and going to concerts and not being paranoid, not that you are, not saying that and it's definitely a real possibility, but I'm thinking about other stuff. Although of course all i really do now is Netflix and Twitter/my phone. I need to get physically in shape and also do more with the animals. But still.

And no, it's okay, it's turned into an interesting discussion. I guess I just didn't get how my saying I didn't like squirrel and wouldn't eat it turned into I've never been hungry and am not ready for apocalypse/grid failure hah but it's turned somewhat interesting so it's okay

When Irma hit Macon, several groceries lost power for a week and had to throw out loads of spoiled food...what if all had lost power :(

Wow that's awful!

Yep and if no power to pump gas, then no trucks to resupply food. Almost nothing is bought locally by stores. Most stores have less than a week supply of food on hand. When people figure out no more food coming they would riot.
Lots of people live day to day. Very little food kept in the house. Some even eat take out or dine out half the time. Maybe a few days worth of food in the house.

I get what you are saying and that is probably true of most people but we are not most people. :)

We tend to be slight hoarders/overbuying stuff when it's on sale and a lot of stuff we have forgotten about so our cabinets are overflowing. Now, of course, we don't tend to eat most of it, hence why the cabinets are overflowing, and tend to eat refrigerated stuff like meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. And do buy stuff, but if we had to, we have A LOT of food in the hiuse to live off of. A ridiculous amount of boxed and canned foods. Pasta, rice, quinoa, stuffing mixes, potato mixes, pancake mixes, granola, oatmeal and oats, cereal, pasta sauce, soups, canned veggies (for some reason we have TONS of green beans??), canned tomatoes (diced, sauce, paste, etc etc), lots of beans both canned and frozen including the green beans but also black beans, refried beams, baked beans, etc., frozen veggies and meats, bread, 2 giant boxes of ramens, of which I've barely had any, etc. So we have enough for a long time and also like i think i mentioned, I am also in a homesteading group on Facebook and they are all local so I am sure some of them might be willing to give or trade us food and stuff. Of course, Facebook might be down but I have data (would that still work?) And if not, the owner of the page works at the TSC so I could go there.

I don't know if the current version has it but my 40 Y/O copy of "The Joy of Cooking" tells how to skin and cook squirrel. Also rabbit, possum, groundhog, raccoon, even armadillo. Must have been pretty common on the table for them to be included, right? No I've never tried them, but then there are a lot of other recipes I haven't tried either.

Yeah but squirrel has a LOT less sodium to raise your BP ;)

Yep and while I'm not wringing my hands in fear of a major outage, witness the poor people of Puerto Rico. No power now for HOW many months and no end in sight?? I'm going to look into battery storage for my solar panels. As they are currently installed (and required by law since I have no battery storage) if the grid is down, it doesn't matter how much sun we have, the panels shut down just to be REALLY sure that they don't send any power back up the lines when someone may be working on them. If the grid goes down, like it did for 3 days the beginning of November, I am up sh1t creek, same as everyone else even though on a sunny day I make more power than I use.

Wow interesting! I think it was more common back then. And we have a generator.

This just came out in the Sioux Falls paper today....thought it was timely considering the previous discussions!

Interesting article!

22 gauge bullets. That's what my husband uses. High pressure BB guns can kill if aimed correctly. Your basic red rider BB gun will often not kill. Not that we are sitting around here shooting squirrels. We are just country and have the knowledge of the hillbilly.

That's good to have!

I think mine's more powerful than a red ryder but idk.

And this has turned into a pretty interesting discussion
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And I'm glad the discussion came up. Sorry if my post wasnt clear on that or sounded defensive, didn't mean for it to

But yeah. We have a lot of food but pasta probably isn't the healthiest.... maybe i could just have a bunch of vitamins too???

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