The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sorry last post I swear but I mixed some wildflower honey to it. It was alright, needs more or some fruit next time ha

But my other main reason for posting is this:

Ugh, despite being completely full and despite that "dessert", I still really want to just grab some cookies or something. I bought some famous amos cookies the other day and also tons of candy (watermelon sour patchi kids, twizzlers, etc.) but now I decided I'm trying not to eat it so it's slightly going to waste but it's just sitting in there teasing me lol I want it.

Plus a couple weeks ago I got lots of cookies at ocean state. And all the ice cream in the freezer. But my primary reason for not eating it isn't even the sugar aspect, it's that cookies need milk and ice cream is dairy obviously and I think dairy makes my stomach worse. Dairy never used to bug me but I think it does now so I wanna cut it out. At least temporarily. And yes I had the yogurt but it's different, it's Greek and loaded with probiotics ha, straight milk or ice cream I think does it but idk. Anyway, therefore, no cookies. But they're delicious.

I think I have also been eating soo much sugar that the little I just eat feels like nothing.

But I know I shouldn't eat it.

I'm in the other room watching TV now.

Maybe if I don't think about it, the desire to eat it all will go away lol
I know what it's like Kdogg An open bottle, bag or carton is an empty one. As long as I don't open it I'm fine. But, then the contents start calling to me, and I have to respond. I just can't ignore a distressed container.

That's how I am! If it's in the house, it's gone lol

And haha exactly! The container needs us :p

They have come out with no lactose ice cream. My sister gets that but, says most brands have higher sugar to compensate.

I have gotten dairy free ben and jerrys recently and it was really good but i think it has soy
Good afternoon friends :hugs

Michelle I can not like your original post about your hours! But good to see on further reading that they are fixing it. Congrats on your babies but sorry to hear about your loss :(

Kelsey Congratulations! :clap Congrats also Bob on the adorable babies! :clap

DMC those cupcakes and cookies look delicious! :drool

Nice write up Blooie! Congratulations Ken [and you ;)] :clap

Sorry guys n’ gals, been AWOL [again ;)]. I hope I did not miss anyone’s news in my catch up. I have been busy getting everything set up for my new role. I wanted to get it done this weekend so that if I did run into any snags, I had a working week to resolve them before I am working two jobs for a short time.

Anyways, got my new computer set up; all software required installed, registered my domain name and set up an admin inbox account, plus foot pedal and headphones, so I think I am pretty close to ‘good to go’. I did run into some snags but just frustrating ones; you all know how it is when you are setting up a new PC :rolleyes:

Once I officially finish with the IT role, I can spend the weekend before my MT role getting all the stuff I will not need off my desk and creating some space! :bow

Gotta scoot now though, the boys are playing in an hour and I have a few things to do before I finally get to sit on the couch!
I found one at Goodwill and was considering drilling air holes in it and transporting chicks!

Brilliant!!!! And you could hot-glue or Velcro a couple of little fabric pouches to the inside of the lid, put a hot hands in one or both, and you’ve got a way to keep them warm for transport! You could see how they’re doing as you move them. I am SO unashamedly stealing your idea, even though I don’t have chicks anymore. Others might find it so helpful!!! Brilliant!!
Dollar tree has small cupcake holders with snap on clear lid but, they only hold 9. I bought a batch thinking I could use them as a small greenhouse for starting plants but it's isn't tall enough for them to grow much.

But, it is a nice holder and this way I can give away cupcakes and NOT ask that they return the container.

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