The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning folks and salutations!

Cool morning after a scorcher yesterday. Crazy weather last night, sudden down pour as the cool front pushed 1" in 15 minutes...15 minutes later couldn't even tell it had rained! :rolleyes: concrete was so hot it dried out fast.

Make it a great day! :celebrate
Good morning everyone! :)
:frow Good morning Chrissy, have a great day
Good morning, everyone.
:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day
Mexican food isn't a favorite of mine either, or Italian for that matter. I like a lot of Asian dishes.
Asian is really good, but I kind of span the globe. Every where we went I tried to learn the local cuisine. But Italian is my base.
Good morning everyone
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
Good morning to you all!
:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day
Good morning folks and salutations!

Cool morning after a scorcher yesterday. Crazy weather last night, sudden down pour as the cool front pushed 1" in 15 minutes...15 minutes later couldn't even tell it had rained! :rolleyes: concrete was so hot it dried out fast.

Make it a great day! :celebrate
:frow Good morning Sean, have a great day
:frow Good morning Chrissy, have a great day
:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day
Asian is really good, but I kind of span the globe. Every where we went I tried to learn the local cuisine. But Italian is my base.
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Sean, have a great day
Good morning. Honestly, right now I'm sick of cooking and nothing sounds good. I'd rather look at a menu and have someone else do the work.
Good morning to you all!
Good morning Debby :frow have a great Wednesday

Good morning folks and salutations!

Cool morning after a scorcher yesterday. Crazy weather last night, sudden down pour as the cool front pushed 1" in 15 minutes...15 minutes later couldn't even tell it had rained! :rolleyes: concrete was so hot it dried out fast.

Make it a great day! :celebrate
Good morning Sean :frowhave a great Wednesday

You also Sue! More rain today or do you guys get a break?
Still have a chance later today, but we woke up to almost 80 degrees and 89% humidity
morning everyone:frow

sorry i haven't been here for a while but y'all know how it is when you get busy with garden, just not enough hours in the day, just came in from the garden, cooking my first of the season mustard greens(mine), washing rape leaves to put in the fridge for tomorrows meal, so far, we've had a mess of spinach and i froze three quart bags, did that monday and now it looks like i need to pick more tomorrow for freezing, peas have pods on them, just not filled out yet
tomatoes are coming up volunteer everywhere, i have no idea what kind, maybe peach:idunnowe will see, i left quite a few to see
got a new bird this morning, a big bourbon red tom, have no idea where he came from but if no one claims him, hes mine,he was in the bottom pasture and husband asked me if a wild turkey had white wings and back, dil's dog saw him and got a hold of him, tom lost a lot of feathers before she caught the dogs, but i told husband to catch him while i made my way down there from the garden husband was just about done in from carrying him back up:D
morning everyone:frow

sorry i haven't been here for a while but y'all know how it is when you get busy with garden, just not enough hours in the day, just came in from the garden, cooking my first of the season mustard greens(mine), washing rape leaves to put in the fridge for tomorrows meal, so far, we've had a mess of spinach and i froze three quart bags, did that monday and now it looks like i need to pick more tomorrow for freezing, peas have pods on them, just not filled out yet
tomatoes are coming up volunteer everywhere, i have no idea what kind, maybe peach:idunnowe will see, i left quite a few to see
got a new bird this morning, a big bourbon red tom, have no idea where he came from but if no one claims him, hes mine,he was in the bottom pasture and husband asked me if a wild turkey had white wings and back, dil's dog saw him and got a hold of him, tom lost a lot of feathers before she caught the dogs, but i told husband to catch him while i made my way down there from the garden husband was just about done in from carrying him back up:D

Hi Sharron, glad to get caught up with you! Sounds like your garden is doing great :)

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