The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

DH just popped in to warn me about watching where I step when I go out to mess with the chickens. He's up here at the company houses mowing grass and just ran over a rattlesnake. :th
Carry a shovel or gun with you, they are both very effective at dispatching snakes. Do you see them at your house very often?
A lot of days at 100F will wear on you over time
ONE day anywhere near 100° would instantly wear on me.

Can you tell I am getting grouchy?
Given all that has gone on for you lately I'd say "grouchy" is on the "happy" side of the possibilities!

Last I saw the storm is headed for the Carolinas, hope it won't be a bad one.
Supposed to change back to a hurricane

"Oh, I see we are practicing self adulation."
If she were doing her job, you would need to be self adulating! ;)

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