The Northern Howl (please read & comment) chapter 4 is here!!!!!

Publishing just means that you own the book, that you receive up to 75% of th profits. Go on to Google and search “why should I get published” or “how to publish yourself”! Good luck I really think you should try it!
Chapter 3 “survival”

The voices came closer, the sound of snow crunching got louder. Eclipse lay beneath the pine shivering with fear. The sun was beginning to rise and there was no way she could slink away with out being seen, even if she had the strength to walk. The footfall stopped. Then the human clicked its fingers, the horse hobbeled foward. Eclipse jumped in her skin as the humans let out a shrill scream! The scream caused more humans to come running. One human, a wise man, came forward and declared the bite mark was caused by a wolf! The men began checking the area for the wolf. Eclipse watched as the began search under bush and trees, she knew she need to get out of there. She tried her hardest to gather her legs beneath but burning pain shot through her. She collapsed in a heap panting from the pain. She closed her eyes and traveled back to the spring she was was a beautiful meadow with lots of flowers. She was chasing her brothers and sisters in the soft gold glow of the morning sun. The mountians ahead appeared blue in the early dawn and gentle breeze swept the grass into waves...then a gunshot and yelps, men laughing...she awoke with a growl to a hand touching her head. She was no longer beneath the tree but in a dark cave on a bed of moss. She began growling at the human in fear, she had know idea where she was or she had gotten here………
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I just gave you a new chapter an hour ago!
how many chapter do ya'll want in a day!

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