The Official SCARY STORIES Thread! Be prepared to be CREEPED OUT!


no offence Nikky

Meanies! lol its ok. haha

Lol. Never liked him, never will.
this is an expansion that takes place several years later,

once there was a boy who was walking in the woods. he saw a strange rusted knife sticking out of the ground and went to pick it up and he saw an image in his mind of an old man with black eyes and blood dripping down his face.
puzzled but not too scared, he picked up the knife faintly heard someone whispering, "i see you". the boy was startled and dropped the knife. he heard someone calling for help so he ran over in that direction and he saw a man on the ground. the man was pretty cut up and was bleeding he said "he did this to me! he will hunt you! run fast, get your family out of here, never come back!"
"who are you?" the boy asked. "my name is James Riley", the man said. "who are you talking about?" "ELIAS SPLICE! he was a murderer! he stalked people and killed them until he committed suicide many years ago, in YOUR HOUSE", the man replied.

"no! NO! GET AWAY FROM HERE!" shouted the man, looking right over the boy's shoulder.

then the man died.

the boy was running away as fast as he could back home to get his family away, he kept hearing "i see you" as if it was right in his ear. what seemed like hours finally stopped when the boy made it home. he saw a note on the kitchen table that read "went out to store to get groceries, be back in 2 hours dinner's in the fridge. love, mom and dad."
the boy was shocked to see that his parents were out, so he went to get warm clothes and then he ran out of the house as fast as possible towards the store where his parents were when he saw the man, limping down the road towards him with the knife in his hand. *drip* *drip* "i see you..." the boy was so scared that he ran the other way, down the other street that led to the store, when in one of the houses the boy saw him standing there, looking out the window "i see you" running full speed towards the store, he heard him again, this time right next to him,"i see you". scared out of his mind, he ran even faster now, almost at the store. he was running through the doors of the store when he saw his mom and dad and he ran to them telling them what happened so they ran outside but no one was there...
so the boy remembered that day, while nobody else did. he was haunted for the rest of his life by this so he did some research on it. there was no "Elias Spice" no "James Riley".
they didnt exist.

the police searched the area where the boy said he saw James Riley. they found no body. all they found was an old, rusted knife...

The boy woke up many years later, in the same mental hospital he had been in since that day.
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