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For social distancing reasons I will henceforth be wearing hoop skirts....
:lol: :gig
That should do it! Though I don't think I'd look good in a hoop skirt, or any other skirt or dress for that matter.

And perhaps some corporations too instead of the immediate profit margin.
Sadly I can't see that happening. Long gone are the days when one bought stock in a company because you think they have long term value, you kept it for years/decades and they paid a good dividend. Now it is for the hope of a quick rise so you can sell and find the next "good deal".

And with computer autotrading, the "good deals" are picked up in microseconds. The big traders can make a bunch of money on the rise of just a few pennies. And they can affect the price of a stock by purchasing or selling a lot of it. Triggers other autotraders to buy/sell. Lots of churn that has nothing to do with the actual future prospects of a company. Frankly I think they should be illegal.
Hello! I'm brand new ... yesterday ... to .
I came across your page. Thank you for creating this page!
I am retired, but I like to consider myself, 'Far from old'!! :D
We live on a farm where our two youngest, (of 6), children, (ages 25 and 27), live with us and help their father and I, with our beef cows, a couple dairy cows, 1 sheep, a couple goats, 2 dogs and ? 'drop off' cats.
We have had a chicken tractor and free-range hens before. Having parasites and bugs and ticks in this NW part of PA we thought hens would be a great asset.
We have six children and 14 .. almost 15 grandchildren, so we would like kid friendly hens!
I am looking into White Leghorn, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks. Locally they have Golden Comets, but I don't really 'KNOW' chickens, so I'm not too sure about them.
Any advise for a 'newbie' chicken lady?
Thank you!
P.S. I'm also not sure how to subscribe to this thread. Perhaps by posting this I already did?

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I hope there will be real change after and as a result of this pandemic. Why did people forget that the 1918 flu killed more than both world wars combined?
Everyone alive in 1918 that can remember that flu are gone now so we forget as a culture what they went through.

Yes, we will all be different because of this in a similar way as those that went through the depression and the great recession. Oh Boy!
@Beer can didn't you say that naked necks were Marek's resistant also?

Yes, I am considering them down the line.....I really like a BIG chicken. On the other hand, I like real LITTLE chickens's everything in between that I have problems with!
I think I read that somewhere, I'd have to search threads see where I might have posted a link where I read it.
Just quick searching Google they do say naked necks are resistant to most diseases.

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