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What are they, Cap? Quail?

My half Fayoumi half OEGB BBR cockerel is giving me the peedoodles. No matter what I do he keeps beating up on his full blooded EF brother. Much more aggressive than the Fayoumis. He's a poster chick for genetic inbred behavior/aggression. Last night I put him in with the three bantams and gave mom the night off hoping the two little SDW cockerels would adjust his attitude. They didn't and not for lack of trying. Mom wanted back in with her babies this morning so I put him back with his family and he started beating up on his brother again. So I pulled him out of the pen again. He bit me! 5 weeks old! Little ......! DH thought it was funny. Since he bit the skin on my throat and twisted, I wasn't laughing.

I put him in my broody buster cage. I'm out of places to put him and he isn't wanting to play nice with the other male in his clutch.

Now what am I going to do with the two broodies I need to bust?
What are they, Cap? Quail?

My half Fayoumi half OEGB BBR cockerel is giving me the peedoodles. No matter what I do he keeps beating up on his full blooded EF brother. Much more aggressive than the Fayoumis. He's a poster chick for genetic inbred behavior/aggression. Last night I put him in with the three bantams and gave mom the night off hoping the two little SDW cockerels would adjust his attitude. They didn't and not for lack of trying. Mom wanted back in with her babies this morning so I put him back with his family and he started beating up on his brother again. So I pulled him out of the pen again. He bit me! 5 weeks old! Little ......! DH thought it was funny. Since he bit the skin on my throat and twisted, I wasn't laughing.

I put him in my broody buster cage. I'm out of places to put him and he isn't wanting to play nice with the other male in his clutch.

Now what am I going to do with the two broodies I need to bust?
More cages!
Dh keeps insisting I have to put in an SSD. He got one about a year ago, and has been on the warpath for me to get one, ever since then. I keep telling him no. Yes, I know they're faster, etc. No, I don't want one. I prefer my SATA drives, thank you. Well, he ordered one, and it came today. I asked him to wait until tomorrow, when he's off work, to begin cloning it. Oh no, he couldn't wait. While I was outside, he pulled my main hard drive, and began transferring the information onto the new drive. It was at 43% when he left for work. Right after he left, his cat walked across his keyboard. Apparently, that stopped the transfer of data. So, 5 hours later, it was stuck, and not writing data to the new hard drive. I cancelled it, unplugged my SATA drive, hooked it back in, and now I have my computer back. I am NOT a happy camper.

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