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My husband went squirrel hunting once a long time ago. He didn't see many and then he saw one. Once the shotgun blasted, there were squirrels running absolutely everywhere. If you have oak trees or even pine trees, chances are pretty good that you have a good number of them. Just start and you'll probably come home with a couple dozen at least.
I's heard that it passes from the mother, not the mother's father. A woman has two X chromosomes (one she got from her mother, one from her father), and the male pattern baldness gene could be carried on either one of them, so it could just as easily have come from the mother's mother rather than her father. If a bald man marries a woman carrying the gene, all of their sons could go bald, and a daughter that got two copies of the gene could get pretty darn thin up there as she ages too (like my mother . . . . )

I guess that could be correct. My mother had thinning hair but she was diabetic and I know from living through it that if diabetes isn't caught early, you lose a lot of hair and it doesn't come back. She died when I was in my early 20's so I can't ask when she started losing her hair. I don't know or don't remember hearing anything about my grandmother's father. Just that her mother was Choctaw and my grandmother was half.
Here in the south, you get a mess of squirrels to cook up. They can be cleaned, and fried like southern fried chicken, and you can also make gravy to serve with them. They can also be baked with carrots, and potatoes like you would a roast.
My husband went squirrel hunting once a long time ago. He didn't see many and then he saw one. Once the shotgun blasted, there were squirrels running absolutely everywhere. If you have oak trees or even pine trees, chances are pretty good that you have a good number of them. Just start and you'll probably come home with a couple dozen at least.

Got a couple of oak north of the house. North is direction I have seen the squirrel. Maybe it's not the same one every time? LOL
I guess that could be correct. My mother had thinning hair but she was diabetic and I know from living through it that if diabetes isn't caught early, you lose a lot of hair and it doesn't come back. She died when I was in my early 20's so I can't ask when she started losing her hair. I don't know or don't remember hearing anything about my grandmother's father. Just that her mother was Choctaw and my grandmother was half.

I have the diagram for male pattern baldness out of a genetics book if you want to see it. There is a small percentage of women that get a full dose of the gene and will go bald before they get old. I used to work with a lady who did. The diagram explains it. I can't do it from memory though. I can scan in the picture so you can read it yourself. It dose it by Punnett squares.
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DANG RIGHT, I do!! Unfortunately, I don't get to go to near enough games or tailgating parties, but, if you make it up to T-town for a game, let me know!

The Tide is looking great again this year. I see another national championship in our immediate future......just sayin'....................RTR!!
I used to think American football was a stupid game invented by people who just want to see large men collide into each other causing injuries. The past few years though, I've started watching the Superbowl, and I have to say, it actually is quite a interesting sport. The name is still completely wrong, something like tackle-hand-oblong-ballish-shape would be more descriptive, but I've learned that there actually is a lot more to the game than just bumping into each other and slightly fat men in bike shorts slapping each other in displays of repressed homoeroticism. Now I actually enjoy the game. This years game was a bit boring though.

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