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Here in the south, you get a mess of squirrels to cook up.  They can be cleaned, and fried like southern fried chicken, and you can also make gravy to serve with them.  They can also be baked with carrots, and potatoes like you would a roast.
ive tried frying and grilling them. The meat is super tough. I recommend slow and low heat cooking for a couple hours
My neighbor across the street has cat sat for us before, and she would bird sit if asked. We exchange helping eachother. My man will change her lawn mower and snow blower oil, and tune ups for her during the season. Just wat being neighbors is all about. Cute, she is in her 70's at least, but has a new boyfriend! Hope I am half as lively as she is when I get there.
I was kept awake half the night thinking of all the bad things that could happen to my chickens at night. I havent been locking them in the coop, even though they are locked into a pen with a secure top. I was thinking of all the digging predators that might come by, like a fox, skunk, raccoon, or opossum. So I got up and shut the second door for them and slept like a charm
this is the first time I let them out in the yard with a short fence and clipped wings. they are usually kept in the pen, 4x6.
I was kept awake half the night thinking of all the bad things that could happen to my chickens at night. I havent been locking them in the coop, even though they are locked into a pen with a secure top. I was thinking of all the digging predators that might come by, like a fox, skunk, raccoon, or opossum. So I got up and shut the second door for them and slept like a charm
this is the first time I let them out in the yard with a short fence and clipped wings. they are usually kept in the pen, 4x6.
Hi there and wecome. I have lost enough birds to make sure mine are secure at night,
My girls are locked in at night in a coop that is two feet off the ground, double floor bottom with a top layer of vinyl, the space between the floor and the ground is enclosed by steel siding sunk into the ground and secured to the sides of the coop, which is also sided with steel siding, windows are at least five feet off the ground, copper wire screened and covered over that with heavy gauge hardware cloth screwed on the outside, all popholes and doors have a simple spin latch on one side (on the bottom of the door) and a metal lockable latch on the other that is locked with a carabiner, and finally, the very heavy, tight fitting insulated lid to the nestboxes is held shut with a very tight fitting hook and eye latch that is soon to also be a lockable turn latch, (had to find the right size to fit).

Paranoid??? Maybe. But I am sharing waaaaaay too many night hunters and crawly things that would love to have nice chicken snack. Oh, and I pick up all feed trays etc. every evening as well and the coop door was built strong enough, and designed in such a way, that even a bear shouldn't be able to get a grip on the sides to pull it off or break thru it.

I have to admit I am not quite as prepared against daytime attacks but I'm working on it.
I had never heard of vindaloo until I watched the British comedy "RED DWARF". Remember about 20 years ago. I'm all about cheesy. Chicken Vindaloo was the stars favorite meal. I had to look it up to see what it was. Deep south cooking. But then I was grown before I had fried oysters, chinese food and pizza. Seems impossible, right. But we didn't eat out at all and Mama wanted her meat and eggs totally cooked through and through.

I had fried oysters but not Chinese food or Pizza. I was in Air Force Tech school in Illinois almost 19 years old. There was a food truck that sold mostly pizza and Cokes. The first time it came by the barracks the guys yelled Pizza Pop and took off outside. I couldn't figure out who Pizza Pop was until they came back with Pizza and soda water.
We have a new amendment to our state constitution on the ballot tomorrow. I'm wary of it. The title is 'Right to Farm'. The wording is so vague, any conflicts that arise will have to be worked out in court. Corporations have the money for that. Monsanto and out of state interests are big backers. I'm leaning no. The basis of the amendment is already law so why a constitutional amendment?,_Amendment_1_(August_2014)

You wouldn't believe the ads being run on both sides.
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Quote: We did not go out to eat either we ate home cooked food. I recall when I saw a cereal commercial and I asked mom if we could have some she thought I had lost my mind. We ate eggs, oatmeal, or malt-o-meal or cream of wheat. All the years I raised my children we only ate out maybe once a month other than that we ate home cooked foods.

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