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(sorry bout the snow)

Why? 'Al' sent all that snow you got 2 weeks ago.
hatch about over..,

Last one out was really sticky
odd since everyone else was fine, makes me wonder if I remember reading that foamy and sticky can be signs of a slight infection? (It was a washed egg...I mark them). Two others are pipped, NOT zipped, but do not look sticky.. They are so slow though, not sure if they will make it.

No biggie though, because the results were GREAT!

Of my pure Doms, one died late in shell, and 13 hatched gorgeous and perfectly! No clears, no other loss! (Of course the Dom roo is over only 4 hens, so he doesn't have to work that hard

Of my Spitz (just a pair, but very young, hatched late summer) they had 2 clears, one midway death and 5 good and healthy.

Leghorns are under my black Ameraucana that is covering way too many girls, 9 were clear, 6 hatched, of those three are white

My mutt, 2 clear, 2 early death and 6 super healthy, one that late hatched foamy/sticky

Pretty awesome!

I am gunna have to give the Ameraucana cockerel a small harem though....... Hummmmmm

Oh by the way, who used the boomerang on me? Total toss backs. Three feet of snow in less than 24 hours
Al, do you have a way to put the Am cockerel in with the few hens you want eggs and then move him back to the big flock? He could cover the breeders every couple of days, he doesn't have to be with them 24/7 to get fertile eggs.
Good thought @NotAFarm

I could easily segregate him and his two ladies for just two days... Then toss them back together.

Still think I might trim the bottoms of the two female Ams.. I totally understand him not getting all of the Leghorn girls, they are FAST. But I don't understand him getting a big fat zero on the Am girls. :idunno

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