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I visited my pig tonight. My pig is being raised with a friend's pigs. I am paying for the food and some extra for trouble. I think she loves me.

I know I love bacon.

This relationship won't last, I fear. I think my love for bacon will eventually trump my love of this face.

Now see.... that cuteness looking at me right there would prevent my urges for bacon.... If it were mean looking and toothy I would all be into Ham Hocks and Roasts and Ribs and even head cheese...

LIke this:

OK, so I obviously missed something... SCG, did you find that pig that wandered on to (then off of) your place? I don't recall ever hearing any more about it... Congrats on future bacon regardless! @HarlansHollowFarms welcome back and welcome to TOFH... all ages are welcomed here. You just have to watch out for all the old fogies trying to give advice
(that includes me)
I guess I just never came back after a good friend I met and had on this site died. I am sure there are a few here that still remember Ranchie
Yes, I do see many new faces, that is what makes this site fun
Oh, and the only
I've seen in the mirror lately is my husband, and it's probably a good thing he is not on BYC

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