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I know what you mean about that mirror. Mine is possessed. There is some old woman that I don't know living there and everytime I try to brush my hair or my teeth, she stands in front of me and won't move. She mocks my every move, too. I don't like her much.
Interesting, they will refund the shipping but not the cost of broken items. .? I prob will be checking into it. I know the PO refunds the amount insured if even one item is broken. I do know that large corp have a long chain of buffers before you can actually annoy the proper person, it seems odd that PO will ship chicks and not eggs..true? What if i don't tell them it eggs. Anyway, it just annoys me even I it hasn't happened to me - yet. I'm positive the rough handling of eggs causes the low hatch rates..the companies using these services needs to also step up. Grrrr.
Just to clarify--USPS is the only way poultry can be shipped, no other carrier as far as I know; Yes you can shipp eggs via USPS, I meant I don't put EGGS on the carton to avoid the perverse postal worker that will target THAT box for a little soccer. I send all eggs via USPS.
On the name thing -

I did the conventional thing when DH and I got married, and changed my name to his. I was young (22), had no history to speak of, and to have done otherwise just seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. Both his last name and my maiden name are a bit unusual (at least in this country); the two of them together on my driver's license looks like a bit of a train wreck! Before we were married, I joked that we were thinking about hyphenating them, but figured that would make us social pariahs because nobody would be able to pronounce it. It's a bit funny to be sitting in a waiting room, see the nurse/hygienist/whatever come out, look at the chart, say "Ms. . . . . . . and make a weak stab at it, or abandon the struggle and go with my first name - which is very common. In fact, growing up, there was almost always at least one other girl that had the same first name, and she was usually more popular than me. It got so I didn't really pay attention when I heard my name, because I figured they meant her, not me. Some folks wondered just how far off in lalaland I must be, not to even answer to my own name (or got really ill at me, thinking that I was deliberately ignoring them). And though I've signed my married name to countless checks and forms in the 29 years that I've been married, seeing "Mrs." in front of that name still makes me think of my MIL, not me!

I sat once in Jiffy Lube the month after I got married, reading a book, while some technician yelled "CLARK! YOUR CAR IS DONE!... CLARK! ...CLARK!... CLARK!... CLARK! ...CLARK!" before I finally realized *I* was now a Clark (of course after I was like "dang, who is that idiot?"). I too, have an unusual last name. It is only me and my two parents with my last name in the US. It's "Americanized" too. I get the "Ms...." and that's usually what I answer to, or a mismash of horrible sounding consonants. That calls to me way more than Clark did.

lady, being called Mr makes me think of my father not me - just don't feel like Mr. Then I look in the mirror.

Guh, me too. I keep waiting to find out what I'm going to be when I grow up, and waiting to feel old and mature. And then I realize... I'm already here. This is it.
I too was born with a difficult name, first marriage, another difficult name, now another difficult name...the always just call the first name and sometimes take a stab at it. I used to love getting difficult names to call, and getting it right, ESP the Swedish ones.
Just to clarify--USPS is the only way poultry can be shipped, no other carrier as far as I know; Yes you can shipp eggs via USPS, I meant I don't put EGGS on the carton to avoid the perverse postal worker that will target THAT box for a little soccer. I send all eggs via USPS.

Good to know. Our local postal service is great, and will disguise those eggs for the future.
My first and last name used to be hard to pronounce before I changed the last name with my first marriage. I have heard all kinds of attempts at saying either. DH used to tell telemarketers if they could pronounce my first name correctly (anyone who knows me would call me by my nickname) they could talk to me. A few of them would try at least a second attempt. This would always make me laugh until one evening at dinner, person calling got it wrong twice and he hung up on them. The next day I found out it had been someone from the doctor's office confirming my appointment for the next day.
He stopped doing it after that.
Have that problem as well. Unusual Norwegian, nobody can pronounce it, and I did not change it when I got married because there are not too many of us in the U.S., and not another single one in Maine. No one says it right or spells it correctly, and I love it! My son shares this name with me, and did not want him to resent that I changed it. As far as doctors go, we have a superb male family nurse practitioner, he's better than any MD I've ever had, and takes a lot of time with hub who has an unusual chronic illness. He's just the best, and he's probably 20 years younger than us. Still has that hunger for knowledge, ya know? Some of these older docs think they know it all and don't want to hear it.
I too was born with a difficult name, first marriage, another difficult name, now another difficult name...the always just call the first name and sometimes take a stab at it. I used to love getting difficult names to call, and getting it right, ESP the Swedish ones.
Haa haa- I live in an area of Swedes to the North in Worcester and DUtch in town--enough DUch to fill TWO churches.

At soccer on Saturday, the coaches wife is trying to pronounce a Dutch name and it flew right off my toungue. A little practice and DUtch and Swedish names are easy. I'm still working on Polish though. lol
My first and last name used to be hard to pronounce before I changed the last name with my first marriage. I have heard all kinds of attempts at saying either. DH used to tell telemarketers if they could pronounce my first name correctly (anyone who knows me would call me by my nickname) they could talk to me. A few of them would try at least a second attempt. This would always make me laugh until one evening at dinner, person calling got it wrong twice and he hung up on them. The next day I found out it had been someone from the doctor's office confirming my appointment for the next day.
He stopped doing it after that.
OOOPS . . . office should have clarified who they were. . .. or is that not allowed any more? Hyppa and all that.

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