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My new table saw! Please don't tell me you'll cut your hand off.
My last test is tomorrow... CT scan Chest and Abdomen. Then Surgery Day is the 18th.
The surgery will be robotic... Di Vinchi Orthoscoptic for the most part. Irony is When I worked at Cardinal Health I did some drawing modifications for Di Vinchi when it was in its developmental stages.
I will only spend one night in the hospital if everything goes as planned. so will be online friday I am sure.


deb, Thinking of you and wondering how everything went yesterday. :hugs
Anyone ever check out Baker Creek seeds? Cool rare stuff there. I just did a wish order and was afraid of the total. Just various corn, dent, flint and flour, some beans and a couple winter squash, and tomatoes. Was $50 but still less than I thought.
They have a cool ancient indian watermelon with a long neck handle. Think I'll order blacktail mountain watermelon, was developed by Sandhill preservation center and the earliest watermelon he has.
Baker Creek also has a ginourmous radish, Sakurajima Radish, grows 15-100lbs, thinking of giving it a try.
I can't wait till spring...
Anyone ever check out Baker Creek seeds? Cool rare stuff there. I just did a wish order and was afraid of the total. Just various corn, dent, flint and flour, some beans and a couple winter squash, and tomatoes. Was $50 but still less than I thought.
They have a cool ancient indian watermelon with a long neck handle. Think I'll order blacktail mountain watermelon, was developed by Sandhill preservation center and the earliest watermelon he has.
Baker Creek also has a ginourmous radish, Sakurajima Radish, grows 15-100lbs, thinking of giving it a try.
I can't wait till spring...

Love baker creek here also have ordered from them
I know seeds can cost quite a bit. I spent over 45.00 yesterday alone.
I still a lot of seeds from last year but still need a few. But I will wait till next week probably to get the last of them.
Has anyone had luck growing rosemary from seed? Is there any tricks to it?

I bought some sorrel seeds and I have never grown or used it. I am curious if I will like it or not. lol lazy gardener mentioned it on one of the garden threads so I looked it up.
I like the health benefits you get from using it.
I won't be growing any melon's this year. I still have to use my water garden this year till we get the greenhouse built. And my melon's did not do well in it last year.

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