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And we have 5 although June is the biggest transgressor. Unfortunately she also likes to jump up on the bed and stick her nose in my face off and on during the night. If I don't reach out and pet her, she gets more insistent and will either stick her nose in my mouth or take her little foot and start patting my face. If I cover my face up, she will fish under the sheets till she finds my head. Then pat pat pat away usually with her claws out just a tad. Infuriating little piece of baggage but we love her. Most of her weirdness comes from the fact that she was so little that when she was spayed they left a tiny bit of ovarian tissue in her so she has false heats where she demands more attention, walks around the house yowling like only a cat in heat can and finally she hemmmmmmm, likes to hump the dogs' stuffed toys.

The dogs don't seem to care and she seems to be okay with it so, hey, why fix what ain't broken.

At least her PMS is amusing.

Awww she sounds like a goofball!! Lol my parents always make me shut their door cause otherwise Luna will come leap on the bed around 3, 4, 5am and wake everyone up LOL just ninja jumps out of nowhere on top of you and scares you :lau

So she’s locked out and usually sleeps with me or downstairs. I was shutting my door too for a while but I’ve decided again I like having her in there lol she’s cute. Comes and jumps on my chest or within petting distance and wants to be petted. Purring away lol

And she pets us too! Lol not really pets but she’s so cute. When you wake her up from a nap, she uncurls herself, and stretches and will tap you with her little paw haha usually on your chest or your face if you’re close enough. And sometimes if you sit near her and are ignoring her, she will reach out and tap you a couple times like “Hey. I’m here. Pet me.” LOL and she sometimes stretches way out and reaches up with both paws on your chest/abdomen/whatever she can reach if she wants to be picked up ha or she will just hover at your feet and rub and meow.

She is a bit of a weirdo too lol but I love her. Has the loudest dang purr and the biggest whiskers for such a tiny little cat!!

And cat heats are the worst!! We didn’t get Luna spayed for a while and her heats were so annoying!! Lol and even without the heats she was much brattier and wild until she got spayed ha plus she’s older now so she’s calmed down a lot
Kdogg, your kitty sounds a lot like June Bug. Juney will be 7 on Saturday. We have her and her half brother who is about three times as big as she is. Juney was the runt. The owners of their respective moms brought a box of kittens into the office one day and dumped them on the waiting room floor. We went home with two kittens. Wish we had taken them all now.

Had one of those, oh God NOT NOW moments tonight. Went to get ice cream out of the spare refrigerator freezer and discovered everything was melted, thawed, otherwise room temp. Fridge wasn't running, freezer wasn't running. I grabbed the new container of Vanilla but the chocolate was a lost cause as it was laying on its side and had oozed everywhere. Made room it the regular fridge for the milk that was only 80% thawed and the vanilla ice cream. He ate some of the chocolate like a milkshake. Later I went back out and the silly thing was running again. DH admitted that he had 'roughed it up' a bit. Seems like he rocked it back and forth. We put what was left of the chocolate back in as a test. The Fridge was bought in 02 so only 17 years old. Man they don't make em like they used to. Looks like we will be shopping for a new freezer soon.

@Alaskan, we have snappers here also along with Alligator Snapping turtles which are protected. I stopped the car last week to move a small luncheon plate sized snapper out of the middle of the road.Stupid things cross the road to get to our pond or one of the draining ditches and stop mid way to take a snooze. I picked it up, steering way clearing of it's head and the little ingrate was snapping its jaws at me totally indignant. Soon we'll be finding red sliders and painted turtles in the yard digging nests to lay eggs in. The older dogs find them and spend an hour or two barking in their ears. I'm sure the turtles appreciate the noise but at least the dogs know better than to mess with them. Having two ponds really draws the critters in.
hello everyone haven't been on here a while just saw the doughnut photos ,I haven't made some for a year or more s I,ve just gone and found my recipe will make them later tonight then I might be able to save some to take to family tomorrow .can,t do anything in garden terrible rain here ,getting depressed I need some sun as do we all !hailstones just started wasn,t expecting that,, did some food shopping on line earlier really could not face going round supermarket packing bags and waiting for taxi delivery cost me no more than fare ,looking forward to icecream coming might make some scones as well ,my hands will suffer tomorrow but I can,t stop doing things I like might as well give up ,sorry this post is long
Hi @skwarksy! And here I thought rain and hail just liked Missouri at the moment!

Here hail usually precedes tornados making an appearance so we are not too fond of it either. There has been an abundance of both this spring. They are calling for more storms and 1-2 inches of heavy rain, which means we could get well over that. They were calling for 1-2 inches two days ago and a friend got 5. We got 3.75 so what does the weather predictors know?

My runs are cesspools right now.

Hope all our BYC members in Ohio are safe and sound. We know people in that area so prayers go out to everyone.
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Kdogg, your kitty sounds a lot like June Bug. Juney will be 7 on Saturday. We have her and her half brother who is about three times as big as she is. Juney was the runt. The owners of their respective moms brought a box of kittens into the office one day and dumped them on the waiting room floor. We went home with two kittens. Wish we had taken them all now.

Had one of those, oh God NOT NOW moments tonight. Went to get ice cream out of the spare refrigerator freezer and discovered everything was melted, thawed, otherwise room temp. Fridge wasn't running, freezer wasn't running. I grabbed the new container of Vanilla but the chocolate was a lost cause as it was laying on its side and had oozed everywhere. Made room it the regular fridge for the milk that was only 80% thawed and the vanilla ice cream. He ate some of the chocolate like a milkshake. Later I went back out and the silly thing was running again. DH admitted that he had 'roughed it up' a bit. Seems like he rocked it back and forth. We put what was left of the chocolate back in as a test. The Fridge was bought in 02 so only 17 years old. Man they don't make em like they used to. Looks like we will be shopping for a new freezer soon.

@Alaskan, we have snappers here also along with Alligator Snapping turtles which are protected. I stopped the car last week to move a small luncheon plate sized snapper out of the middle of the road.Stupid things cross the road to get to our pond or one of the draining ditches and stop mid way to take a snooze. I picked it up, steering way clearing of it's head and the little ingrate was snapping its jaws at me totally indignant. Soon we'll be finding red sliders and painted turtles in the yard digging nests to lay eggs in. The older dogs find them and spend an hour or two barking in their ears. I'm sure the turtles appreciate the noise but at least the dogs know better than to mess with them. Having two ponds really draws the critters in.

Aww hope the other kittens are doing well!!

They do sound similar! Luna was the runt too!! Or at least we think so. She’s just so tiny and has this weird little walk! And the loudest purr as I mentioned ha

Luna turns 9 in August.

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