The Old Folks Home

@chickadoodles it sounds like you joined the same club my husband did. His changed a lot the farther away from the surgery he got. Don't give up hope that it won't get any better.

I know it's rough going through the radiation treatments but it will be worth it if they kill off the rest of the growth.

About a year and a half ago, DH had a second growth removed from his scalp. It was small externally, but had grown internal due to the repeated freezings they had done on it. By the time they finished the MOHS on it he had a hole 5 inches long and three inches across down to the skull on the top of his head. Lesson learned, two freezings and excise. Back to the old saying that a stitch in time saves 9.

It is nice that they fixed his nose up so well!

VA did the work in Iowa City. They did a great job with the exception that we wish they had brought a plastic surgeon in at some point.

Welcome to the home @Grammapat4. Pull up a rocking chair and set a spell with us!
It's nice to hear he has recovered so well. Lol about the beard.

The Dr. pulled my cheek over to attach it to the cartilage at the bridge of my nose.
When he was done I asked if I could see it. He handed me a mirror. I was in shock and I could not speak. The side of my nose was flat against my face and stitched up from my eye to the tip of my nose. He said it should stand back up with the cartilage. He told me he was going to cut around the thing and give me a couple of stitches! So when I saw that I was horrified! But he bandaged me up. It's been 2 months and it is looking more natural. But I have bumps all the way from my tear duct to the nostril. It's scar tissue but he did not do a very good stitch job and it is going to stay this way I guess. But at least I hope I won't have to go through it again in this spot anyways. They say I will be more prone to getting them now.

I have been wanting chickens again for a long time. Dh finally took down all the runs that had collapsed. We will add a dog kennel to the coop for a run. And the coop is still in great shape. I can hardly wait till they get here! lol Dh said we could get 5. lol but they only let you order 10! Hahahah how's that for chicken math out the gate! :lau
Enjoy the new babies!
@chickadoodles it sounds like you joined the same club my husband did. His changed a lot the farther away from the surgery he got. Don't give up hope that it won't get any better.

I know it's rough going through the radiation treatments but it will be worth it if they kill off the rest of the growth.

Thanks. I will try to stick it out.

About a year and a half ago, DH had a second growth removed from his scalp. It was small externally, but had grown internal due to the repeated freezings they had done on it. By the time they finished the MOHS on it he had a hole 5 inches long and three inches across down to the skull on the top of his head. Lesson learned, two freezings and excise. Back to the old saying that a stitch in time saves 9.

My goodness. That is horrible. I am so sorry for your Dh. :hugs

VA did the work in Iowa City. They did a great job with the exception that we wish they had brought a plastic surgeon in at some point.

My daughter told me I could get my scar fixed with plastic surgery if I wanted since it was cancer related. She said my insurance would cover it. But I don't think I want it done. I don't handle these kinds of things well. With my anxiety issues.

Welcome to the home @Grammapat4. Pull up a rocking chair and set a spell with us!
Have your kids moved out? If so, why shouldn't you replace the companionship and feelings of being needed with something you enjoy!? I have one grown daughter and she doesn't "get" the chickens but that doesn't bother me at all. I have three at home and its the time and money away from them that I sometimes wonder about. I think it is healthy to explore your own interests and having a hobby is healthy. I just may be over-doing it a bit too soon! It's not a big deal to my family. I just wonder....... I can't wait to change and get out to the coop in the afternoon after work. I would MUCH rather be there with the birds than inside listening to kids quarrel, my husband fuss at them, and the tv blare. I NEED that time to relax, wind down after work, and relieve stress. I know that I have a thousand things that need to be done and I sometimes feel guilty that I don't make them a priority, but you know, the chickens and one dance class a week are the only things I do for myself. There are TONS of things I do for everyone else around here!

I use about 50# layer pellets a week in the winter and 50# a month in the summer. That amount grows in the fall and falls off in the spring. I also use starter occasionally and cracked corn for treats. My birds free range all day and are locked in safe at night.
Understanding you all very well. My expressed desire to have one, maybe two, chickens to tend (due to mobility and now aviary allergy issues), has almost turned into a nightmare. My well-meaning, albeit inconsiderate, spouse hasn't stopped adding more coops for this ever enlarging flock. We both use to build coops and tend the flocks together; 8 surgeries later I can not assist as needed, and all I hear is complaints of how much feed, time, etc. it takes to care for the flocks; nothing I say quells his tirades. We have no one to watch the flocks for a much needed respite and . . . my Mother was just admitted into hospice, etc. This is too stressful for/to me. What to do, what to do?? So thankful for BYC.
Trust me, @chickadoodles, I know how stressful it is and don't blame you one bit. I think you will be surprised as time passes how those scars will fade.

@jacjac, I'm so sorry to hear that your mom is in hospice. I had it for my dad when he was slowly dying from dementia and heart disease. They are a Godsend.

Lots of us here at the Home are dealing with health issues and trying to keep flocks. For me, keeping a flock, keeps me active. It's getting harder every day though and I cut my flock by half last year. Looking to get rid of a bunch of roosters this summer...probably freezer camp for them. Hard decision for me as I love roosters but the hens are laying eggs that feed us and people we know who need eggs. I don't sell them, I pass on blessings so we depend on the hens laying eggs for us and them. I currently have 10 eggs under two broody hens. One is sitting on what I hope are from my Fayoumi hens and the other smaller hen is on 4 bantam eggs. I'm praying for a lot of pullets!

You can only do what you can do and as we get older, it gets harder. Don't worry, you are among friends here and only you know what you can do.
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I was searching for a thread that I could relate to. I noticed that the really active threads were the kids' threads. That's fine, but I really enjoy chatting with people my age (old.) Then I noticed the active state threads, but MY state's thread is hit or miss. I love the hatch-alongs and the swaps but those can be sporadic.

I really wanted to find a thread where anything and everything (within BYC rules) can be thrown out and other middle aged folks could relax and enjoy each others company. I want to have a thread where we can keep up with old BYC friends, and make new ones.

If that appeals to you, regardless of your age, please subscribe!

Hello - Bama here, and I guess Im old too! So, we can be friends :)
I have a chick addiction. Yes I do. I have 30 plus. And guineas , well one guinea and four keets.
And a boyfriend and two cats and an African Grey. and a huge humongous garden.

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