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All day, I've been waiting for my family to say a special something to me. No one said a thing. When Dh got up, I fixed his supper. He walked through the house to find out where everybody was. They were all asleep. He asked if I liked my ice cream cake. Ice cream cake? He explained he had gone yesterday, and ordered a cake for me. When he went to get it today, it was not what he ordered. Instead he got a Carvel ice cream cake. He ate supper, then he and I had some of the ice cream cake. It's really good.

All the kids have finally woken up, and still have not said a word. I suspect they will later. Won't they be surprised to find out that Dh, and I already did a bit of birthday celebrating.

Happy birthday Clue
Yeah nothing is certain yet... However, I live in Oregon.. we have no sales tax. The money not gained in a sales tax is made up with an ehanced property tax. So we pay a little more here on our property but don't pay it in sales. I honestly have a lot of what-ifs to explore so we will see.. nothing is definite yet.
Don't forget our 9% income tax
When I meet my son's fee -on -say, am I supposed to shake hands with her or hug her, or something? I am lacking social skills. With my LONG white hair, I look like Grandma ma from the Munster's old show. Hope I don't frighten her.
My in-laws were my favorite people, felt closer to them than my own parents so you never know. Actually liked them more than DW :oops:
Feels weird talking about them in past tense, really miss FIL, he was prob my best friend for many yrs. MIL still here, love her to death also just not the same. Doing as much as a can for her.
Grandma from Munster's was DW's grandma looked just like her way back when I was courting DW. In-laws were taking care of her in her 90s when I met DW. I only heard her say two things, saw us sitting there holding hands and said 'you two look cute'. And another time sitting there watching Jeopardy final question was in German she was a German immigrant at 16, BIL turned to her and started to ask and she immediately says 'I don't know either' final answer was panda bear in German ( I didn't even realize she was coherent).
You never know how your sons 'fee -on -say' will be in the future, might love the heck out of you like we all do here. Just be yourself.

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