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At the end of last year, I added up what I spent in a lot of categories. One was the store where I buy just about all our groceries. The number made me gasp. That much, for two people?

I made a goal to cut it by 20%. I have a weekly amount I aim to not go over, and have done that just about every week. A few exceptions, but I cut the overage out of the next week.

I add up the price of stuff as I put it in the cart. Hmmm.... getting close to the limit; nope, no candy bar at the check out. Ah! DH's favorite _____ is on sale. Stock up time! Take it off the list for the next 3 weeks. A bit under the budget? Stock up on ______ that is a staple at our house.

You might think that the little bit of what I can grow at home is not enough to make a difference, but the $$ for eggs, potatoes, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and beans does add up. Especially when you plan meals around them. (Preaching to the choir here, I know.)

Just by being aware of what I'm putting in the cart and having an upper limit on what I spend, I have not only met the budget, I'm $300 under for the year so far.
Red meat is great if you can afford it anymore. Saw an 18 lb. untrimmed beef brisket yesterday for $84,00. No thank you.
Under $5/pound is pretty cheap for any beef. At least it is here.

When I went to take care of the chickens, I found one dead. I can't see any reason for it.
That is always very sad. I've lost a few that way. The ones I did necropsies on had fatty liver disease. I think the liver ruptures, they drop where they are standing, instant death.
I've been tired all day. When I went to take care of the chickens, I found one dead. I can't see any reason for it. I dug the hole, and buried it. Came in, and too
Sorry you lost one
Under $5/pound is pretty cheap for any beef. At least it is here.
See check there is beef here that horrible in price called Waggu? oriental I think?
I've been tired all day. When I went to take care of the chickens, I found one dead. I can't see any reason for it. I dug the hole, and buried it. Came in, and took a shower. That revived me a bit.
I am sorry you lost one!

It can be hard on a body in the summer here!

Todays high was 115F. The misting system worked well for the hens.
I've been tired all day. When I went to take care of the chickens, I found one dead. I can't see any reason for it. I dug the hole, and buried it. Came in, and took a shower. That revived me a bit.
So sorry you lost one. I think it's going to be a bad summer for that.

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