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Brilliant @CapricornFarm. I got's to make me one of those. Hope you are feeling better today.

I relented and put a low watt brooder heat lamp in the main coop. I've gone out the past two mornings and turned it on. I have a clamp on light fixture there that I have suspended from a hook and a zip tie securing it to the hook just incase somebody gets the urge to do the I gotta fly wild hair stuck somewhere and needs to try to land on it. It got up to a balmy 18 here today and is supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Every time I skated out to check them they were all on that end of the coop happily being chickens and the coop was pleasantly chilly instead of being biting cold.

Prolly won't turn on the light tomorrow as it's supposed to hit 34. HEAT WAVE!

We had something weird happen today. I was getting dressed when somebody knocked on our door. It was our nearest Amish neighbor, Mose. Mose and his sons mow and harvest our hay every year. We give him the hay and he gives us straw. Score Score. He asked if we had any ash on hand. Seems like he and one of his boys was moving hay down the road where they were pasturing horses and one of their mares slipped on ice in front of our house and was down and couldn't get up due to the poor footing. DH gave him a bucket of ash from our stove, then went out with another bucket of hot coals. Seems like our roads here are so bad that he took our road thinking it would be better. Nope. Nor had he shod his horses with winter shoes. They managed to get the mare back up then spread the hot coals on the road where the ice is the worse and let them melt in and cool before they proceeded up the road. His parting comment. Wal, guess I bes' be gittin sum shoes on these horses.

Gee Mose, ya think?

Legitimate reason not to go anywhere. The roads are too bad and we have proof of it! I told my husband it could always have been worse. he could have asked us for a gun because the horse broke its leg when it fell. If that had happened I would have been in tears.

I've decided that we need a new township road commissioner.
Good morning, OF.
Pugsly had his surgery and recuperating slowly but has a cone of shame first few days
Maggie Mae wore one after being spayed. Without it I am positive she would have removed her stitches. When we removed it, we did so gradually. Putting it back on when we could not monitor/observe her.
Morning all, Rise and Shine, coffee is made and waiting. You can choose. REAL coffee or play coffee namely Decaf. Even a kettle of hot water on the stove for those who want tea and a variety of real and herbal teas for your sipping pleasure.

@pennyJo1960 glad the Pugster made it through the surgery. Poor little guy is probably wondering what happened and where did they go?
I decided I was sick of this elevated BP... Happens every winter since I mostly sit.. and stay cold all the time. (Yes, cold weather does affect BP)... Sooooooooo, I ordered a rowing machine! Tension dial will enable me to start off easy and work my way up... Strength via resistance training, and at least I'll be moving more than I am now!
I decided I was sick of this elevated BP... Happens every winter since I mostly sit.. and stay cold all the time. (Yes, cold weather does affect BP)... Sooooooooo, I ordered a rowing machine! Tension dial will enable me to start off easy and work my way up... Strength via resistance training, and at least I'll be moving more than I am now!
Good for you!

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