The Olive-Egger thread!

OOO Ruth I love the little blue chic too cute
I just put some more in the bator yesterday try, try try again
One of my pullets that I hatched from a blue EE egg last year lays an olive egg.

I was adding them to the egg sale cartons but am now saving them up hoping to hatch some more.

Congrats - have you posted a picture of your olive eggs? I would love to see them. What are your chicks looking like?

I'm thinking mine may be sex-links in that the girls are blue and turn into what looks like a Blue Copper Marans and the boys look exactly like a pure Black Copper Marans at hatch and stay the same as they grow. So far that's what's happening. My silver/blue baby chicks seem to all be girls and my black/white baby chicks all seem to be boys. It will be another 4 months before they lay eggs so I can see what color egg they will produce. Makes for a fun adventure.

Mine quit laying for awhile but seem to be starting back.

OK these are my potential olive eggers arent they cute 2 have feathered legs...

They look just like my Black coopers except you can see little muffs
on there face..
I have 3 five week old Olive Eggers! They are cuckoo maran/EE's.

I think two are pullets because they have no comb at all, and the third one has a reddening pea comb already so I bet he's a roo in the making. I'm excited they all came out as pea combed birds!

None of them seem to have muffs though, I'm disappointed about that.

What should I do next? Should I breed the roo with the two pullets, or should I find a nice EE roo to breed back to them to get muffs?

Also, they all have white maran colored legs...I was expecting some to have green/blue legs!
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Just wanted to post a pic of my 1st egg--it's olive green, but not sure if my one of my EE's laid it-- they are only 15 weeks. But, I am so thrilled with it. I got my 2nd olive egg today and 1 mint green one. This is a new flock---all the chickens were bought at different stages.


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